A large number of big corporations bent to pressure from the woke left to accuse Georgia of “suppressing” the votes of minorities, but after another record turnout at the polls, they are looking mighty foolish.
The left-wing, woke corporations also accused the Peach State of taking away people’s vote with its voter integrity law, S.B. 202.
Per Just the News:
After the passage of Georgia S.B. 202 last year, MLB announced it was moving its All-Star Game out of Atlanta, citing Biden’s claim that the law would “restrict voting access for residents of the state,” according to a statement by the league at the time. The game was moved to Denver.
Saying the decision was “the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport,” MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred declared, “Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box.”
Biden blasted the law as an “atrocity,” likening it to “Jim Crow in the 21st century.”
The law includes popular election integrity safeguards like, for example, signature matching, voter ID, restrictions on drop boxes, a ban on the mass mailing of absentee ballot request forms to those who did not ask for them, and mandatory citizenship checks.
MLB was joined by companies including Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, and others in attacking the state over its laws. But even an Obama-appointed judge ruled the election reform law is constitutional.
And now, despite the claims of “voter suppression,” Georgia set yet another all-time high for voters.
Georgia set an all-time midterm early voting turnout record this year, after the law’s enactment. The total turnout of early voters — both in-person and absentee — was 2,504,956. There were 2,288,889 total early in-person voters this year, compared to 1,890,364 early in-person voters in the 2018 midterm elections.
And yet, the left continues to claim Georgia is “suppressing” the vote. Despite all the actual evidence to the contrary.
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