Garbage in – garbage out. We see it all the time. It certainly isn’t the machines fault. You can’t blame the computer. In other words – it’s like the old saying, that the equipment is only as good as its operator.
We found this out the hard way on Sunday as Devin Patrick Kelley went on his killing rampage at the Sutherland Springs Baptist Church.
It was discovered that Kelley should not have been able to purchase the firearms he used due to a felony domestic assault charge on his wife and her child while serving in the Air Force.
For years leftists have been screaming about background checks. These heinous shootings could be prevented if only we had “common sense” background checks.
However, until this last act, not a single background check of any kind would have prevented any of the mass-shootings. But this one was different. As it turns out a background check may have been able to prevent the Texas murders, or at least made it more difficult for the whack-job Kelley to obtain his weapons.
But as I stated, a background check, like a piece of equipment, is only as good as its operator. In this case the operator was the United States Air Force, and the job was simply to add Kelley’s felony conviction to the federal database, thus preventing him from legally buying guns.
“Federal law prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms after this conviction,” Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said.
“Initial information indicates that Kelley’s domestic violence offense was not entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman Air Force Base Office of Special Investigations.”
So what do we do about this? As Mark Levin asks, tongue in cheek: “What are you going to do – pass a law that says the registry must be updated properly?”
On the background check form, it asks whether the purchaser has ever been convicted of a felony. Of course Kelley had, but then lied on the form. So what do we do about that? Pass a law that says it’s illegal to lie on your gun registration application? Oh wait – it’s already a law.
Kelley was a dirtbag criminal. Laws don’t work on criminals. They break laws, which is why they are criminals.
Still – no logic will deter the left from insisting that something be done. They will continue to demand that we “must do something.” And then they will belittle us on the right by asking what we propose – just doing nothing?
After this latest tragedy, what is the plan going forward for the anti-gun lobby? In my opinion, its one of two things.
One hypothesis is that those in charge, the anti-gun power brokers, have a plan that will lead to the eventual confiscation of guns. It must be their plan. They can’t be that stupid to think that any of the measures the left suggests will stop or curb “gun violence,” as they call it. They must know this.
If this is the case, what other reason would they have for promoting these “common sense” measures? I believe leftists will continue to attempt to enact some of these ridiculous rules and ineffective restrictions. When these are also proven ineffective, they will attempt to convince the public to throw up their hands and say – okay – we have no other choice but for the government to save us and confiscate. The program will not be labeled confiscatory and will begin with a voluntary buy-back type system. When that doesn’t work, it will become mandatory.
Many would say that this is all just conspiratorial nonsense. In the past I would agree, but is anything too far-fetched anymore? Look at what we know of ObamaCare. The entire health insurance system was deviously and purposely engineered to fail from the start in order to usher in single payer.
Now we learn of the engineered takeover of an entire political party, by the Clinton machine. That and far worse. But some how it’s nuts to think this of the gun-grabbers? There is no line the left won’t cross and thus, no conspiracy too far-fetched.
Oh, and the other thing is that these leftists really are just this stupid.
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