What a sad commentary; nasty and ill-tempered comments in the mainstream media, political class, and the rest of a rogues gallery of the usual suspects, were out with their venomous inflammatory rhetoric following the publication of the Michael Wolff book “Fire and Fury”.
So what are we to think about this new controversy? Well your first inclination that might come to mind is if none of the accusations made by his detractors in the democrat party, media, Hollywood and the universities, on multiple issues that have surfaced over the past year against the president have had no effect, then let’s try mentally incapacitated and bring to floor of the Congress consideration for the enforcement of the 25th Amendment.
Shakespeare once wrote “In time we hate that which we often fear”. This begs the question what does President Trumps detractors really fear most? They’ve thrown everything at him, but the kitchen sink; Russian collusion, confronting dictatorial regimes, his tweeting, bravado, brash sometimes ineloquent language, and now questionable mental state. No I don’t believe any of these, some believe negative qualities, have anything to do with the fear they harbor.
These are all part and parcel of their plan that began back on November 2016 when their world collapse around them and they began an effort to undermine and hopefully remove Mr. Trump from office at any expense, while at the same time distracting the American people from the more important issues. These excuses to destroy this president were all for one main reason, and that is his vision for America is antithetical to their morally corrupt hedonism, and self-serving agenda.
Following the recklessness, the acquiescing, and sometimes unconstitutional and questionable policies and executive orders of Barack Obama, a course correction down the Right path was necessary to save America from the ravages of the radical left wing. Damage had been done, but with the right person in office it was not irreversible.
Since becoming president, Mr. Trump has made numerous course corrections, reversing or replacing the radical social and international changes made by the previous administration. And with each of these efforts his detractors realizing their agenda of open borders, unfettered abortions, dismantling of traditional values and institutions, have screamed and shouted their hatred and dismay. They have proven they will do anything, stop at nothing to bring this president down.
Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, “America is great because she is good, but if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great”. The pathetic and hysterical Trump haters, because of their insults, invective, uncontrollable outbursts, and hate-filled rants have allowed their inner most demons to raise to the surface thus threatening Americas’ goodness. Each day, in the words of the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, they further “Define deviancy down”.
As for Wolff’s book, even some of the president’s harshest critics have dismissed much of its contents as mere observations and fabrications and not to be taken too seriously. If anyone needed their head examined, let’s start with the entirety of the Democratic Party, mainstream media, Hollywood, and throw in a few psychiatrists and university professors.
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