When do we draw the line?
When do we as Christians say, enough! If you are a Bible-believing Christian, you believe the Bible in its entirety or Not. At. All.
When do our pastors follow the Biblical principles to embrace and discipline the wayward Christian, shun the evil acts? Or do we walk away from the Bible? Do we in our complacency, turn a blind eye?
I am not speaking about hate, discrimination … but when do our pastors allow politicians to tell them what to do, when do our pastors look to the Bible, to heck – our own history – of speaking the truth from the pulpits? Do we storm the capitols of our states to say ENOUGH!
Now what do we have: What is evil is called good. Even amongst Christians, we put up with political correctness until it all looks just fine. Sure, live together, unmarried. Sure, have abortions as birth control. Why not be gay, transgender and demand a place in church, whatever bathroom they want? Why not tear Bibles apart, vilify Christians and Jews while ISIS is praised? Why not hush the masses when chaos comes because the government tells you to? Where has our faith fallen to?
We are Laodicea. We’ve not learned the lessons of the Corinthians. We follow after Ephesus’ whores. So take a look at your life, how you see the world. And lets start with our pastors because that is where we learn. If your pastor accepts all sorts of evil, if they don’t listen to you, then you must walk.
We will not survive the coming throngs of Islam (not a religion by the way), those muslims who will.. kill us. How is it that the LGBT community doesn’t get this?
God’s truth doesn’t change. The church will be judged first.
It is a sad day when a non-religion ideology (Islam) has morality that surpasses those of Christians. They are by works, believing in foul things and here we stand. Stupidly following the ways of the world.
Follow the One who will redeem you. Walk in faith and truth.
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