TWO-FACED DEMOCRATS! When Obama had his Democrat Congress make law that separated illegal immigrant families he was described as “compassionate and humane” in putting their children in separate care while their parents went to jail. When Trump is bound by the same laws that Democrats made under Obama it is “hateful, racist, and inhumane proving Trump hates the children of immigrants.” Obama’s law made “deportations” forced ICE to catch and release invaders into America. Trump is trying to have Congress change the law so that these people are actually deported. But Democrats are refusing to make the change only so they can demonize Trump for obeying the law they wrote! They are getting in front of cameras all calling Obama’s law “Trump’s law.” This is how TWO-FACED all pathological lying leftist liberal Democrat progressives truly are!
Lib media slanders Trump over North Korea, Illegal’s children, and as a cult
The degree of corruption in the Democrat Party and their leftwing media is mind-boggling. The DoJ IG report saying there is no “evidence” of bias by the FBI in investigating Trump and Hillary is another misleading lie because it found no physically written evidence of that bias, just texts and emails between agents saying they would stop Trump from being elected. The proof is that there was all kinds of collusion and conspiracies to effect change in the outcome of the election – and it was all by leftist liberal Democrat operatives in American intelligence and law enforcement agencies!
These agents, who are supposed to uphold American laws as the best of the best, are seen to write such literally insane stupidity between each other, speaking of Trump supporters with such contempt, that they say;
“All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out. Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS’s that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.”
Trump supporters want him to “magically grant them jobs for doing nothing?” That’s Bernie Sanders’ promise! Sanders is promising to give everyone a government paycheck if they can’t find an actual job. That’s just the opposite of what Trump is offering. This is identical to how the Left mischaracterizes their meme that “taxpayer’s voting Republican are like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.” KFC is not offering chickens jobs! But taxpayers voting for Democrat are certainly putting their own necks on the chopping block for these leftist liberals to take their hard-earned tax dollars and give away their money to illegals and the Moslems they’ve been illegally importing into America as their cheap labor and cultural colonizers.
What Americans need to learn is what Agent Strzok meant when he texted to Agent Page, who feared that Trump could win the election, that “he wouldn’t let that happen.” Was he planning on assassinating Trump? Defrauding the election? Bringing charges against Trump to take away the election results? It’s very obvious that these people are not just biased, but bigoted and corrupt to the core, and it is they who are violating the rights of American voters. The bulk of the FBI, like the bulk of all law enforcement, are disgusted by these few leftists who are causing all of them to be painted as racist and corrupt. A few bad apples do not spoil the barrel, but they must be weeded out – like Mueller who is violating the 4th Amendment and Statute of Limitations rights of his victims like Manafort who has been unjustly imprisoned by these fascists as if he were a mob boss or an Obama who are actual dangers to society.
Obama’s Scandalous ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency’s Mother of All Scandals
Millennials Suffer from Skywalker Syndrome
The Cult of Trump – Why do you let other people tell you what to think?
American Fascists – The Liberal Progressive Democrat Socialist Movement
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