Writers struggle with mental blocks, lack of motivation, lack of focus, overwork, distractions, feelings that they’re running over the same ground over and over and over again, yet they plod on.
Oftentimes, plotting a course to plod is a challenge.
Today is one of those days.
I sat before the glowing screen, scanning the news, waiting to get a bee-in-my-bonnet.
Nothin’, zero, zip , nada.
So, I prayed a quick, silent prayer for guidance and that still, small voice that whispers wisdom in the deepest, darkest nights said;
“What if this article was your last?”
Now, there is a topic well worth writing about, and, in fact, one which could be repeated over and over, every day.
So let it be written, so let it be done, we’re off to the races.
Many times throughout my life, those who know me best have referred to me as an artist, even though I’ve never been blessed enough to make any money with my various artistic endeavors.
I view writing as art, albeit one with a higher purpose, education, both for myself and those who hear me. With the call to educate comes a grave responsibility for accuracy, or at least honesty.
So, I come to you this morning as I come to you every morning, coffee in hand, struggling to reconcile the passion of an artist with the heart of a teacher.
If I were to go on to meet my eternal reward today, my message to those who would hear me would be simple, yet complicated; it would be direct and clear, yet unknowable by many people, it would reveal the mysteries of the universe but be considered satire by atheists and progressive heretics.
From the foundations of the earth the Triune Godhead in the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost knew me, as they have also known you. They have known every bad choice I would ever make; they have counted the hairs on my head and ordered my steps, as long as I stepped in their way of righteousness.
If I had not dropped to my knees some 28 years ago and begged Jesus Christ’s forgiveness, asked Him to change me and direct my remaining steps on His path to glory, I would never have known the righteousness needed to have my steps ordered by the loving Elohim.
Jesus is the only way to heaven.
Patriots, defend America, as long as America honors God and the precepts outlined in the Bible; protected by the Constitution in accordance with our standing Covenants in the Mayflower Compact and Jamestown documents.
When she ceases to do so, form a new nation, as our Founders did before,; protecting the freedoms of your fellow citizens to seek that path of righteousness.
First Published at ChrisMillsShow.com
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