Who is the Big Guy?
According to a new NY Post Hunter Biden exclusive :
A witness who testified before the Hunter Biden grand jury was asked to identify the “big guy” in the first son’s planned deal with a Chinese energy conglomerate — as calls ramped up to have President Biden included in a conspiracy probe.
The question arose after the witness was shown a piece of evidence while appearing in secret before the panel in Wilmington, Del., a source familiar with the proceedings told The Post.
A bombshell email exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 showed that one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, James Gilliar, outlined the proposed percentage distribution of equity in a company created for a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Company.
While the source didn’t reveal what the answer was (if there was an answer) investigations of Hunter’s Chinese business strongly believe that Joe Biden is the “Big Guy.”
An email sent to Hunter Biden on May 13, 2017, explained a deal between a suspicious Chinese firm and Hunter’s Company, Rosemont Seneca Partners. This was later confirmed by Tony Bobulinski, who was involved in the deal (and ignored by the MSM).
Per a “provisional agreement” explained in the deal, 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company formed for the deal with China, would be split by people identified only by initials–“H” apparently referred to Hunter Biden, TB was Tony Bobulinski. Also listed were “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” The Jim getting 10% is Joe Biden’s brother James, and “Big Guy” was Joe Biden, according to Tony Bobulinski.
Another confirmation of Hunter’s dealings is a report released by the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which told of “a vast web of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the Biden family and Chinese nationals.”
When the scandal was first revealed, Joe Biden’s responded, “I am proud of my son.” Sure, I bet that Al Capone’s father was proud of his son, and Vladimir Putin calls his mother every day.
Per the latest NY Post Hunter story:
[Former FBI agent Steve] Gray also said of Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates, “The only reason they gave Hunter Biden the time of day is because of the influence and information they could gain from his family connections. They’re seeking leverage and intelligence.”During a campaign appearance in Iowa in September 2019, Joe Biden said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
But about two months earlier, the New Yorker magazine published a profile of Hunter Biden based on a series of interviews in which he acknowledged talking once to his father about his job with Burisma.
“Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do,’” he recalled.
Why does any of this matter? Hunter’s activities may have been illegal. However, nothing in any of the revelations about President Biden’s participation in Hunter’s business deals (and there are others) is illegal. The issue is if he is proven without a doubt to be the “big guy, it means the man behind the Resolute Desk who has deep financial ties to the CCP Is leading America’s policy toward an economic and military threat to this country–a terrifying thought.
Tags: China crime Hunter Biden Joe Biden Ukraine
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