Preface: We here try to get ahead of the major media thrust of bad taste and outrageous speculation with this piece. We appended an audio version for our broadcaster friends with low standards.
Las Vegas, Nevada is not what most people think it is: Three blocks off “The Strip,” it is a Mormon town. The glitz, glamour and gold with one palace after another where fools walk in thinking they can “beat the house” is a small, but vital part of Greater Las Vegas.
Some will win, for a time or two, maybe more, but you can bet your last “buck” that most of the money, like everything else happening there, “…stays in Las Vegas.” That is the basis of the famous axiom. How else could they pay for all this glitz?
Enter one Stephen Paddock, retired accountant, a ten year IRS employee in his career list, and formative years, developed great respect for power. Obsessed, he became a multi-millionaire and along the way his “inner voice,” like those heard by his psychotic father, rose in his mind to the point of seeking justice for Hillary.
When Donald Trump was elected Stephen’s world imploded, but then he met “Hillary,” not the real Hillary, but a transgendered version who spent hours before mirrors crying that he/she was not President. Nutcases find one another and cling together.
They discussed getting revenge and where better but a country music concert! “They all voted for Trump!” Bingo, the evil seed found fertile soil and the plot grew.
This “Hillary” was anxious to be involved and “he-she” was good with firearms! Together they scouted locations for months in Chicago and New York city as well as Las Vegas. It was all great fun even though “Hillary” had to wear a disguise as a man which he/she really was so that was easy.
When they settled on the Las Vegas location they set to getting the right suite and transferring all the weapons, ammunition and explosives in place. With both working at it the whole thing was done in a day and “he-she” Hillary dressed for the big show!
When the moment came they blew out the windows and set to work killing the “Trumpites.” When law enforcement arrived “Hillary” “took a powder” and left the scene, but was caught by four FBI agents who arrived in four-door Plymouths were suits, hats and brown shoes.
They were suspicious this “Hillary” was not really Hillary Clinton, so they asked her to laugh as no one else has as repulsive a cackle as the real Hillary. “He-she Hillary” performed and the FBI men upchucked their Chilidog lunches so they let her go because everyone knows Hillary is above the law.
If Hillary wants to shoot people, “Who dare say, “No?” Certainly not anyone from “the bureau.” 43 Clinton associates are on record as having died under questionable circumstances. It’s just Hillary out being Hillary again!
And that is the true story of the Las Vegas massacre as everyone knows in America, “everything is true.” The Russians hacked our election, Donald J. Trump is a moron who needs a bib when he eats. Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Watters are sane. It just never ends…
Adrian Vance
Broadcast Audio: 3:13 min.
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