A restaurant in Richmond, Virginia, kicked out a group of pro-life Christians who had arranged to host a meeting at the establishment last week.
The Family Foundation of Virginia had reserved a section at Metzger’s Bar and Butchery in Richmond last week, but only 30 minutes before their reservation, the restaurant canceled the reservation.
Victoria Cobb of the Family Foundation of Virginia recently explained the incident at The Federalist:
For weeks, we had planned a gathering in a private room to fellowship and update supporters on our work. About an hour and a half before the event was set to take place, one of the restaurant’s owners called our team to cancel. An employee had looked up our organization, and their wait staff refused to serve us.
Their official explanation was that our pro-life and pro-traditional-marriage positions violated the “basic human rights” of women and LGBT individuals. What human right is more basic than the right to life? What family structure is more foundational than marriage between a man and a woman, the bedrock of Western civilization for thousands of years? Lest we forget, it wasn’t so long ago that, when running for president, Barack Obama declared that “marriage is between a man and a woman.”
This is the gospel of woke — the new intolerant religion controlling the left. Anyone who refuses to bow before their altar must be subdued, discriminated against, and punished. It’s a godless religion without mercy and without hope.
Once again, we see how filled with hate, the anti-American left truly is.
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