Hey gals! Let’s make this campaign really fun for all.
Victory rolls were all the rage during WWII and, since this election is so vital for our country, we should do them again. Really. Patriotism was everything then, and it is everything again now. This is a monumental moment, a pivotal time in our history. The stakes couldn’t be higher.
Let us go all out for Trump. He has demonstrated his ability to make good on his promises. Let us celebrate all the way to the election. Our Victory Rolls for Trump will tell it all. Fun style just adds to the festivities—a big party all the way to the election. Celebrate our amazing candidate who’ll help students, workers, unification of all Americans, businesses….and put us back to work. We refuse to be divided into classes, colors, poor or rich. We are all one nation and all one brotherhood and sisterhood.
Our fashion will usher class back into the White House. We need and want style again. A class act.
Most do not remember Victory Rolls, but you may enter a search for them, you’ll find oodles of styles in which to do your hair. Some have little curls on top, some are all on one side, some are high-style with curls and swirls everywhere and others are pretty easy to accomplish. Play with it. You’ll find the perfect one for you.
Let’s go. Join the fun. Rejoice and thank God every day for this once-in-a-lifetime gift.
Louise Cleveland
Louise was raised on a cattle ranch in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. She’ll never forget her neighbor buzzing them before landing the next valley over. She would run to her dad and say, “Allen’s back from the War!” She was an exchange student to Germany, served her country in the Marine Corps, worked in the space race, was a professional Opera Singer at the Bocce Ball night club on Broadway in San Francisco and has now made her dream come true. She bought another foothill ranch and lives there with her horses, dogs, barn cats, Foster the ram, Mr. Peacock and the chickens. Louise is a researcher, writer and rancher.
Tags: Trump
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