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Vaccines: Good or Bad? – Part 4


I believe that at one time when vaccines first came on the scene they actually did some good but money, greed, outright demand for control over the people and the UN’s obsession with population control has taken this beyond the pale in terms of moral standards. So many of us, and I was one of them, that believed whatever the government said. I was also a Democrat at the time so that explains the mindless following of the nanny state.  But I finally woke up in the late 1970’s, thanks to Jimmy Carter’s presidency, and began to realize that the government was not out for the people but for the government.  Democrats still drink the kool aid but I have learned to not trust anything the government says.  In the 1930’s they were saying we were headed for a mini ice age and in the 1980’s they said we were headed for melting ice caps, shore lines disappearing, cities being flooded, and the planet frying in unheard of heat.  Well, neither happened except New Orleans flooded but that wasn’t because of melting ice caps.  It was because idiots built a city below sea level in a hurricane zone and the obvious happened.

Today’s CDC doesn’t seem to want to give us real information, surprise, surprise, on the positive effects of vaccinations, if there are any. But studies for the very early days are available when people still acted with character. Before the inception of the CDC in 1946. And they discover the first study by Alfred Wallace published in 1889 between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals for the first Small-pox vaccine entitled, Vaccination: Proved Useless & Dangerous.

The study’s conclusions based on forty-five years of registration statistics concluded the following (p 4):

  • – That during the forty-five years of the Registration of deaths and their causes, Small-pox mortality has very slightly diminished, while an exceedingly severe Small-pox epidemic occurred within the last twelve years of the period.
  • – That there is no evidence to show that the slight decrease of Small-pox mortality is due to vaccination.
  • – That the severity of Small-pox as a disease has not been mitigated by vaccination.
  • – That several inoculable diseases have increased to an alarming extent coincidently with enforced vaccination.

The first two claims were proved from the Registrar General’s Reports from 1838 to 1882. The results were indisputable, presented in figures and graphs for the entire period, so that data could not be manipulated.
The author noted that during this time period, a decline in deaths from Diarrhea and Typhus was six times greater than the decline in deaths from Small-pox due “to more efficient sanitation, greater personal attention to the law of health, and probably also to more rational methods of treatment.”

Keep in mind that these reports are from a long time ago but there was moral standards then that we very rarely see today.  If something didn’t work or was a detriment to mankind it was brought to the attention of the public.  Today our FDA and EPA are worthless at what they were established to do.  The EPA allows glyphosate to be genetically engineered into our food and then even sprayed onto our food and neither the EPA nor the FDA will enforce the informing of it to the public! They even accept fake science tests that state that it is safe.

Studies done by countries in Europe discover some very disturbing things in the vaccines that are available today. Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested – except in one animal vaccine.

Using extremely sensitive new technologies not used in vaccine manufacturing, Italian scientists reported they were “baffled” by their discoveries which included single particles and aggregates of organic debris including red cells of human or possibly animal origin and metals including lead, tungsten, gold, and chromium, that have been linked to autoimmune disease and leukemia.

In the study, published this week in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, the researchers led by Antoinetta Gatti, of the National Council of Research of Italy and the Scientific Director of Nanodiagnostics, say their results “show the presence of micro- and nano-sized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccine samples” not declared in the products’ ingredients lists.

Lead particles were found in the cervical cancer vaccines, Gardasil and Cevarix, for example, and in the seasonal flu vaccine Aggripal manufactured by Novartis as well as in the Meningetec vaccine meant to protect against meningitis C.

Samples of an infant vaccine called Infarix Hexa (against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and haemophilus influenzae type B) manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline was found to contain stainless steel, tungsten and a gold-zinc aggregate.

Other metal contaminants included platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, and chromium. Chromium (alone or in alloy with iron and nickel) was identified in 25 of the human vaccines from Italy and France that were tested.

GSK’s Fluarix vaccine for children three years and older contained 11 metals and aggregates of metals. Similar aggregates to those identified in the vaccines have been shown to be prevalent in cases of leukemia, the researchers noted. 2  What is disgusting is in America this valuable information is kept from the public and is basically ignored by the AMA.

Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer’s but we don’t seem to want to give up our aluminum pans, aluminum foil, aluminum pop and beer cans and a ton of other things.  The Age of Aluminum, reveals the “dark side” of this toxic metal, exploring the scientific links between aluminum and diseases such as breast cancer and neurological disorders. Also exposed is how aluminum mining and manufacturing have created acute ecological problems across the globe, leading to environmental disasters in Hungary, South Africa, and the UK. In the film, neuroscientist Christopher Shaw reports:5

“Many researchers are beginning to accept that aluminum has some sort of role to play in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Whether it does in others is still an open question, but Alzheimer’s is really coming into focus and it’s fairly clear that the body burden of aluminum from all the sources to which humans are exposed may be contributing to Alzheimer’s disease.”

Aluminum Is Everywhere

Although aluminum occurs naturally in soil, water, and air, we are contributing to the load with the mining and processing of aluminum ores, manufacturing of aluminum products, and the operation of coal-fired power plants and incinerators. Aluminum can’t be destroyed in the environment—it only changes its form by attaching or separating from other particles.

Rain washes aluminum particles out of the air and into our water supply, where they tend to accumulate rather than degrade. If you live in an industrial area, your exposure is undoubtedly higher than average.6

According to CDC, the average adult in the US consumes about seven to nine mg of aluminum per day in food, and a lesser amount from air and water. Only about one percent of the aluminum you ingest orally gets absorbed into your body—the rest is moved out by your digestive tract, provided it’s functioning well.

When tested in a lab, aluminum contamination has been found in a vast number of products on the market, from foods and beverages to pharmaceuticals, which suggests the manufacturing process itself is a significant part of the problem. Aluminum is found in a shocking number of foods and consumer products, including:

  • Foods such as baking powder, self rising flour, salt, baby formula, coffee creamers, baked goods and processed foods, coloring and caking agents
  • Drugs, such as antacids, analgesics, anti-diarrheals, and others; additives such as magnesium stearate
  • Vaccines—Hepatitis A and B, Hib, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), pneumococcal vaccine, Gardasil (HPV), and others
  • Cosmetics and personal care products such as antiperspirants, deodorants (including salt crystals, made of alum), lotions, sunscreens, and shampoos
  • Aluminum products, including foil, cans, juice pouches, tins, and water bottles.3

This doesn’t even account for the aluminum and other toxic metals that they are releasing into our atmosphere in the chemtrails that we see in the sky everyday and have been seeing since the 1950’s.  We have to pay attention because our government is no longer doing its job.  We have to research these things or at least find reliable sources on these subjects.


Foot Notes



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