A Minnesota university has fired an art history professor because the faculty member dared to show art made by ancient Muslims depicting the Prophet Muhammad to show that Muslims did not always have rules against depicting images of their religious leader.
Hamline University, in St. Paul, Minnesota, dumped the art history instructor because left-wing, history-hating, woke students called the teacher’s class “Islamophobic.”
Hamline university and its woke morons are liars.
The fact of the matter is, Muslims only recently began claiming that depictions of Muhammad are prohibited under restrictions in the Koran.
Indeed, it is only the most radical, terroristic Muslims who say this. There were never any such restrictions until the ISIS/Taliban wing of Islam came into being in the last 50 years, or so.
Besides all that, Muhammad is a myth. Unlike Jesus, there is no contemporary evidence to prove that any such person actually existed.
The incident was brought to national attention last month.
Peer Just the News:
The Hamline controversy first drew national attention Dec. 22 with a blistering essay in the foreign affairs magazine New Lines. University of Michigan Islamic art history professor Christiane Gruber took issue with administrators for denying the faculty member “a public platform or forum to explain the classroom lecture and activity,” and The Oracle for squelching debate on the controversy.
Gruber also posted a petition to the Board of Trustees, signed by about 1,500 as of Friday afternoon, demanding an “independent, outside investigation” into the dismissal process. The board must also “carefully assess the current state of faculty rights at the university.”
South Asian history professor Amna Khalid at Minnesota’s Carleton College said Hamline had “privileged a most extreme and conservative Muslim point of view” and “flattened the rich history and diversity of Islamic thought” in an essay for her newsletter. “Most of all, I am offended as a Muslim.”
The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression told the university Dec. 27 it had violated its academic freedom promises, which state that Hamline “embraces the examination of all ideas, some of which will potentially be unpopular and unsettling, as an integral and robust component of intellectual inquiry.”
Just the News added that the evidence shows that the professor went to extremes to put the lesson in proper historical context.
The unnamed professor went above and beyond by “placing the images in historical context” and “thoughtfully exploring the history and diversity of Islamic art and thought,” senior manager of free expression and education Jeremy Young wrote. Hamline committed “academic malpractice” that chills speech especially among faculty without tenure.
This is just another example of our so-called system of “higher education” bowing to the woke mob, destroying free speech, and putting a torch to academic freedom, not to mention truth.
Our schools need to be wiped clean of leftism. It is destroying our children.
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