As if there weren’t enough impending disasters to think about!
Today July 19th marks the first of 53 days all the planets line up on one side of the sun… except for three. The first hour this happened today, there already occurred two major earthquakes of 6.0 and 5.7!
And Yellowstone now appears imminently dangerous. Yellowstone has never been closer to a major eruption than now. President Trump already has made plans for “refugee Americans” to be transported on an emergency basis to Australia.
But here’s also what appears to be ominous on the horizon! Author Jim Keith paid for the divulging of this information with his life! His revealing book was “Saucers of the Illuminati” and his reward was Vitamin K in a Colorado hospital, clotting his blood and sending him away from earth…
The information is the saucers of the Illuminati and Tesla technology. While this 1999 book revealed their secrets, it wasn’t until last night authoritative photographs captured this phenomena! Click Here!
So if this weaponized warfare technology is manufactured on earth – which Keith believed it was – then we see the basis for the alleged and much-publicized “Hostile Alien” impending takeover.
Be assured, comforts the NWO elite, a Space Force (profiteering the Military Industrial Complex and therefore the Federal Reserve) will keep us safe, as will a Constitution-destroying central world government, to deal with such a “borderless threat.”
We live in highly singular times.
While no one likes to consider manufactured Tesla lightning used as a lethal weapon, we have already seen covert laser from the California sky very neatly burning up those areas destined for destruction by Agenda 21. Can one go one to say that saucers of the Illuminati with Tesla-technology lightning may also be part of Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 or not, it is a lethal and borderless weapon. But be assured a Space Force designed to combat these “hostile aliens” is not the answer…
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