Following an assessment visit in Canada, a Joint Chiefs of Staff High Security Evaluations officer confided to Vigileaks: “We thought Canada was behind America in the New World order agenda. But it is actually two years ahead! This is shocking!”
Imagine Obama two years further along in the destruction of nationalist America! But that is where Canada is today, confided this JC staff several classifieds deep. The following are just a few of the NWO elements observed:
* Roughly the same globalists who control President Obama also control Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
* Canada’s ten or twelve top newspapers were as hard, or harder, on President Trump with fake news, than even its American counterparts. Canada’s weekly America-hating Muslim leaders are allowed on cable television by Shaw and other cable companies.
* Hard Muslim propaganda – such as the Little Mosque on the Prairie TV “comedy” series – softened the indigenous Canadian public for Muslim acceptance. Per capita the Canadian Muslim demographic stands to exceed that of Muslim-intense Sudan.
* Entire villages and towns in Canada are completely inhabited by either Communist Chinese or Muslims. Trudeau’s unvetted and unrestrained open-doors policies to Muslims and Communist Chinese are a growing threat to America.
* Many WalMarts have an almost entirely Muslim staff. These sell Halal meats and exhibits large posters for mosques in key areas. The real estate industry – with a network of realtor spies – is increasingly owned by foreigners, the proceeds too often going to fund foreigners sneaking into politics.
* Canadians have meats such as corned beef from South America and hamburger from Australia forced on them, while their best beef is cut up by Somali-workers in packing plants and sent as Halal overseas to Europe and the Middle East.
* UN vehicles park openly, for all to see, in front of Canadian military bases. The criminal UN is seen as a good organization by the majority of Christian churches across Canada. Catholic churches and media are infiltrated by Alinsky advocates and liberals who call the Communist Vatican II priest “The Great One.” Protestant and Pentecostal churches have a primary “social justice warrior” focus inserted by infiltrators.
* Russian officers in uniform with sidearms freely travel in cars throughout Canadian cities. Unrestrained surveillance 24/7 on private citizens includes phone conversations, email, television, cell phone tracking, vehicle chip and electronic ignition tracking and much more.
* Natural and mineral resources are transferred to foreign ownership, Obama style, as Muslims and Communist Chinese compete for oil ownership. Communist Chinese purchase Canadian farms, not because they are farmers, but because they sit on rich oil reserves.
* Communist Chinese are also obsessed with ongoing Sovereignty-destroying purchases of gold in all its natural and processed forms. NWO multi-billionaire Maurice Strong and associates are to thank for this sellout.
* Vacation resorts such as Banff are as Chinese owned and controlled now as the American port of Long Beach, California. Muslim terrorist training centers, active as you read this, are often in rural areas just outside major cities.
* Warned about by Casper Weinberger even in the Reagan era, COSCO train cars (Chinese Overseas Shipping Company) are still traveling across Canada every 15 minutes from the Vancouver port… Where Chinese active-duty and former officers enter to start gangs in Canadian cities.
The above are just the tip of the iceberg. If Americans would like to see what America would have looked like two years from now, under Obama, just dare to go up to Canada!
What is President Trump to do? First and foremost, Vigileaks urgently recommends the millions of unvetted illegals to be deported from America, do not merely end up in Canada to wait until the next liberal president comes along. Or to wait until they can sneak across the border into places like Michigan. Millions of illegals to be exported must be sent overseas to designated sanctuary cities – and not to quietly return through Canada, to restart their unvetted North American lives!
Trump advisors must study Losing True North: Justin Trudeau’s Assault on Canadian Citizenship by Candice Malcolm to appreciate the growing northern danger to America.
Tags: President Trump
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