Merriam Webster definition of turmoil: a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation or commotion.
Every day, sometimes every hour, new information becomes public that makes it easy to understand why the “Washington Cesspool” is in a state of complete turmoil. And the MSM’s desperate attempts to refute this information outright, or bury it, makes the information that much more credible. Based on the growing “mountain” of information becoming public, every member of the “Washington Cesspool” has good reason to be concerned about their future. And what is worse for some of them, when their constant efforts to destroy our Constitution are finally proven it will result in extreme public humiliation, and possible federal prison time for many of them. Two major, large scale and traitorous “Washington Cesspool” activities that occurred over the last two years confirm how desperate the “Washington Cesspool” became to protect its decades of open acts of corruption and attacks on our Constitution. Their self –serving, corrupt, criminal, and in many cases traitorous actions became especially flagrant when Obama announced his candidacy for President, and then went on “steroids” during Obama’s eight years in the White House. The two “Washington Cesspool” activities I am referring to are:
- The massive, well organized, heavily funded, openly corrupt, and in many cases traitorous effort to make sure that Hillary became President, and THAT DONALD TRUMP DID NOT!
- The massive, well organized, heavily funded, openly corrupt, and in many cases traitorous effort to make sure that Donald Trump be prevented from being sworn in as President, and if he was, then destroy his Presidency.
The scope of these two efforts is absolutely mind boggling! Nothing like this has ever happened in America. And to make matters even worse, it is now inarguable that these two efforts to destroy our Constitution were conceived by and orchestrated by people in the highest levels of our Government, and that many rank and file members of every Federal department and agency were, and still are openly and actively involved. It is really hard to believe that these two efforts to destroy America really happened, but they did. And the second one is still happening, although it is now more of a “desperation level” effort by members of the “Washington Cesspool” to try and save themselves!
Understanding these efforts makes it easier to accept the facts that prove that they did happen, and are still happening. The reason is simple. The “Washington Cesspool” has been totally out of control for so long that they became oblivious to the fact that what they were doing was wrong, and that there could ever be any individual negative repercussions for their actions. AND THEN ALONG CAME DONALD TRUMP. A PERSON WHO WAS NOT, AND WOULD NEVER BE, A MEMBER OF THE “WASHINGTON CESSPOOL”. HE WAS THE ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE OF A “TYPICAL” POLITICIAN! AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE, ACCORDING TO THE “WASHINGTON CESSPOOL’S” WAY OF THINKING, HE IS NOT “POLISHED OR PC” IN HIS WAY OF COMMUNICATING OR ACTIONS! AS PROMISED, HE CONTINUES TO COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH “THE PEOPLE”, AND “CALLS IT AS HE SEES IT”. According to the “Washington Cesspool’s way of thinking letting anyone like this into the White House was totally unacceptable to the point that the “end justified the means” to prevent it. This is how out of control the “Washington Cesspool” became during the Obama Administration.
Remember what Benjamin Franklin’s reply was to a question a woman shouted out as he exited the Constitutional Convention. The question was, “what have you given us Sir”? The answer was, “a Republic, if you can keep it”. In recent weeks I have heard from several people, and even seen people being interviewed on FOX NEWS that have reached a point of believing that Benjamin Franklin’s reply was absolutely correct. They are starting to think that we may be too far down the road of losing our Constitution for it to survive. They have become so frustrated with the sheer volume of corruption in the “Washington Cesspool”, and lack of any repercussions for the actions of anyone in the Cesspool, that they are ready to give up all hope! I understand their feelings and why they feel that way. But, based on everything I see and hear happening in America right now, I say to everyone who is beginning to doubt that our Constitution can be saved, “DO NOT GIVE UP YET”! President Trump and his supporters are becoming stronger and more active every day! And remember what one of President Trump’s favorite explanations is as to why he does what he does. It is, “when they hit me I hit back harder”! After sixteen months in office he is still doing that every time!
There is an overwhelming volume of information being made public right now that confirms that these two massive, well organized, heavily funded, openly corrupt, and in many cases traitorous efforts to destroy our Constitution did happen, and are still happening. I plan to detail some of the people involved in these efforts, up to and including Obama, and some of the things they did and are still doing, in the follow up article I am working on for next week.
Regarding my use of the word “turmoil” in the title of this article and the Merriam Webster definition of that word, I believe that this really is what is happening in the ”Washington Cesspool” right now. It is obvious that some of the people involved in these two efforts have become so frightened by the potential of their exposure that they have become desperate to save themselves. So desperate that some of them are going to ridiculous lengths to publicly try to justify what they did. Others are simply trying to disappear in the hopes that what they did will not be made public. I will also detail more about this in next week’s article.
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