Donald Trump’s clashes with the mainstream media, zealots of political correctness and other leftists whose predilections and energies seem focused on reconstituting the United States into a shadow of its former self are not new.
In fact, the Left-driven entropy began in earnest, as most of us recognize, in the 1960s. And then as now, there was a champion of the “forgotten American,” an unapologetic patriot who stood against the forces of national destruction to point the right path forward and demonstrate what was great about America’s past.
That man was Spiro T. Agnew, vice president of the United States to Richard Nixon.
De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism in a blunt, counterpunching style that’s a throwback to Agnew, who unhesitatingly unloaded on provocateurs resorting to disinformation, obstructionism, and even harsher methods to stifle debate and subvert constitutional authority.
“A new violence is spreading in America, born not of covetousness for another’s property, but for another’s mind,” Agnew told supporters in Phoenix, Arizona on Oct. 9, 1970.
“Freedom of speech is useless without freedom of thought,” he’d said previously. “And I fear that the politics of protest is shutting out the process of thought” (3).
The veep was a firm believer that “civil rights are balanced by civil responsibilities” – that no one should be tendered veto power over another’s right to speak freely within reasonable parameters.
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