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I am not a Trump supporter. I did not vote for President Trump in the primary though I did vote against the lying, conniving and corrupt malefactor known as Hillary Rodham Clinton in the general election.

That said, I find myself tending to defend the president’s attempts to make America great again more and more with every attack on him from the left and established politicians of both parties. It is not necessarily because I agree with everything he’s doing, it’s just an innate need to counter-resist the insanity that is pushed into my face and senses every day.

I have, from before the beginning of his presidency, believed that he will do what he can to make the necessary changes to the political inbreeding of the past century. The eight year period prior to his inauguration was filled with Alinsky divisiveness to turn this country into a Marxist/socialist experiment. The Constitution was shredded with executive orders, underhanded and corrupt dealings, illegal and unnecessary regulations, fines and confiscations.  Many of President Obama’s actions and those he encouraged were contrary to our founding documents and laws passed by congress thereafter. The courts are just now getting around to ruling on and reversing those violations.

President Obama sliced and diced the country thinner than any Ginsu cutlery could and in more ways than one can count.  He pitted blacks against whites, poor and working Americans against their wealthier counterparts, workers against management, women against men, Latinos (even American Latinos) against other Americans, gays against straights and virtually every possible faction and subset of our society against those whose views were different. There was no compromise. Deep and wide chasms were formed where dialogue once existed. By his promotion and organizing, discussion became vitriolic and dislike became hatred.

The task of restoring our democratic republic is only made harder by those entrenched in government stalling and combating the president’s every effort. This is coming not only from those elected to congress, but from the career bureaucrats who view change as a threat to their existence. It’s as if they fear their effective tenure inoculation will be rendered deficient. In reality, any change to increase efficiency and economy is truly a threat to them. Some may even have to quit playing GTA and watching as much porn on our computers during the work day and get a little work done.

It happens to be Donald Trump, a man with a tendency to be direct and abrasive when demeaned or belittled. However, it could be anybody in the White House trying to make major changes and correct the course of the current and failing political structure in Washington, D.C. (the swamp). There are simply too many public functionaries anchored throughout the halls of all federal (now feral) entities for a small cadre to overcome within a few months. Congress stalls appointments and the intelligence and law enforcement arms refuse to cooperate for fear of indicting themselves. They seem to still be taking orders and directions from the immediate past president who forms and organizes public and private resistance just a short distance from the White House.

I’ve been watching politics since the mid 1970s, perhaps a bit before, and this is the first time that I can recall former presidents and congressional members (without respect to party) attacking a duly elected president outright. Yes, there have been one-off snide comments, snipes and innuendos over the years, but nothing like the unmitigated onslaughts that happen on an almost daily basis. This year and last has been a circus of has-beens, wannabes and other losers trying to one-up each other and take their 15 minutes of celebrity by shooting the captain in the back before scuttling a seaworthy ship.

To restore law and order, the filthy swamp must be drained, dehydrated and incinerated.  We voters must then refill the void with new and hygienic resources in Washington, D.C. and our local governments.

iPatriot Contributers


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