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We need your help!

Democrats are JUST ONE VOTE AWAY from blocking President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos.

Betsy has dedicated her life to fighting for greater education opportunities for children in lower-income neighborhoods, and to protecting YOUR fundamental right to send your child to the school that represents your values.

We’re asking you to represent 21000 and stand with Betsy BEFORE the vote is officially cast.

Please sign our official petition to show YOUR support for President Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos.

We’re asking you to remind your representatives that education is the bedrock of our nation. The values we instill in our children will have dire consequences for our country’s future.

Democrats want to expand the federal government’s overreach into our local schools, and further corrode your freedom and choices as a parent.

Betsy understands that families should be the chief decision-makers – NOT Washington bureaucrats.

Betsy’s defeat would signal a major loss for the school choice movement that has worked so hard to get where we are today.

We can’t let it happen! Please help.

Please speak up on behalf of your zip code to show your support.

Sign our official petition to show YOUR support for President Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos.

Thank you!

Trump Headquarters
[email protected]

Vigileaks recognizes the urgency in this request.  Please sign their Official Petition today!

iPatriot Contributers


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