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Whenever I think that open hatred for President Trump could not get any worse, it does!

Every time I turn on the TV or log into the internet I see new levels of dishonesty (fake news) and hear loud, virtually venomous rants directed at President Trump and anyone who supports him. New “media” outlets or outlets that in the past have never been involved with current events are joining in the attacks with poorly written and grossly inaccurate articles.

Here are a few recent examples:

  • Secretary Tillerson is being attacked for “destroying” the State Department?
  • Condoleezza Rice and Bob Gates are being attacked for endorsing Secretary Tillerson.
  • Wolf Blitzer stared solemnly into the camera and blamed President Trump for Charlottesville and the terrorism in Barcelona! According to him the terrorist in Barcelona were inspired by the car attack in Charlottesville! This is a new level of absurdity even for CNN.
  • Anderson Cooper opened his CNN show with a lengthy monologue describing President Trump as a “white power supporting racist”. Apparently Cooper did not see any of the video footage of what actually happened in Charlottesville? For example the clear photo of an anti-rally protester that was using an aerosol spray can and a cigarette lighter to make an improvised flame thrower that he was using to try and burn people passing by in the legal rally! Whether or not you support the rally participant’s beliefs does not matter in this case. They had a rally permit and the anti-rally protesters did not. Clearly the Charlottesville violence was organized and incited by Antifa and BLM paid protesters, and allowed to happen by the Charlottesville authorities. In fact it seems pretty obvious that the actions of the Charlottesville authorities made sure the violence happened and reached the levels that it did. But, according to the Trump haters, somehow President Trump is to blame for the violence in Charlottesville because he is a white supremacy racist?
  • It is interesting that the MSM is still obsessing with Charlottesville with limited coverage of how well the Boston authorities maintained control of the protesters last weekend. The difference in Charlottesville and Boston adds credibility to the belief that the violence in Charlottesville was intended to happen and the Charlottesville authorities are at least partially responsible.
  • Secretary Mnuchin continues to be publicly attacked for refusing to resign because President Trump is anti-Semitic! Another absurd lie! President Trump’s son-in-law and key advisor is Jewish and his daughter converted to Judaism! Another new low from the Left.
  • There has not been any MSM reporting on an illegal march in Dallas with the protesters blocking a street and refusing to disburse while carrying signs and chanting, “cops and the Klan go hand in hand, oink oink bang bang” .
  • Everywhere they show up the Antifa and BLM paid protesters come prepared for violence. They wear mask, hoods, protective gear and bring weapons, including urine and feces filled balloons and sling shots to launch the balloons at the police and legal rally participant’s .This has been happening since early in the last Presidential campaign and is getting worse every week. How much has the MSM reported on this?
  • James Clapper, DNI during the Obama Administration, told CNN’s Don Lemon that President Trump is unfit for office, unstable and is a danger to the world due to his access to the nuclear codes. Note: While he was DNI Clapper openly lied to Congress on live TV about US Intelligence agencies collecting data on U.S. citizens.

“But it is all Trump’s fault”……

I have been asking myself and other people why the Trump haters are getting louder and more extreme every week? There are only two possible explanations:

  1. They think that there is so much resistance to the Trump Presidency that he cannot survive much longer.
  2. They think President Trump is going to survive and is beginning to flush the “Washington Cesspool” down the drain. Consequently they are becoming desperate to preserve their decades old corrupt and un-American way of life.

I think it is some of both but number “2” is beginning to be more prevalent because President Trump is not giving any indication that he is weakening, and some of the “Washing Cesspool’s” corruption is beginning to be exposed.

I have written and published a number of articles about what I have noted here and other similar topics. You can find them all on my website

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