Merriam Webster definition of hysteria: behavior exhibiting unmanageable fear or emotional excess.
Recently it appears that some of the corrupt, criminal in many instances, activities that happened regularly during the Obama Administration, especially at the top levels of the DOJ and FBI are being exposed! Some of the activities that have been made public will result in criminal charges being filed against some Obama Administration officials. As a result the “Trump Haters” are becoming increasingly hysterical. Here are some examples of what has been made public recently:
- Peter Strozk, a top FBI official who worked on the emailgate investigation team and on the Mueller team, was removed from the Mueller team, demoted and assigned to work at a desk in the FBI’s HR department. This was a result of information uncovered by an IG investigation into his obvious bias for Hillary’s presidential campaign and against the Trump presidential campaign. On Friday, June 15 he was “perp walked” out of FBI headquarters after his gun, cell phone, and FBI credentials were confiscated. Apparently he is still on the FBI payroll but is in the process of being fired and having criminal charges filed against him.
- An IG report confirmed that two top FBI and DOJ officials, ex-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik had “connections” to Hillary Clinton during the emailgate investigation and when the alleged Trump campaign Russia collusion investigation was opened. McCabe was fired with a recommendation that criminal charges be filed against him.
- Loretta Lynch’s confidential travel plans were leaked to the Clinton campaign so Bill could “accidentally” be in a private plane on the same airport runway at the same time that she was.
- Jim Comey’s actions as head of the FBI during the Clinton emailgate investigation are the subject of a new IG investigation.
All indications are that these examples are just the “tip of the ice berg”, with some information indicating that the corruption in the Obama Administration did reach all the way to Obama himself.
Here are a few examples of the “mass hysteria” I referred to above:
- Zac Petkanas, a democratic strategist, was one of the guests on Martha Maccallum’s show one night recently opposite Cory Lewandowski, former Trump campaign manager and co-author of the recent bestselling book, “Let Trump be Trump”. Zac completely lost emotional control. At one point in the debate he was bouncing up and down in his chair and screaming at Cory that Trump is individually and totally to blame for the chaos at our southern border.
- Peter Fonda, Jane Fonda’s brother posted two tweets that are beyond disgusting. On one he said that the President’s 12 year old son “should be torn from his mother’s arms and be put in a cage with pedophiles”! In another he said that Kirstjen Nielsen, the head of DHS, should be kidnapped, stripped, put in stocks in Lafayette Square and publicly whipped! Both tweets immediately got hundreds of likes.
- After Fonda’s tweets went public Juan Williams, on “the Five”, actually tried to justify them by blaming President Trump for his administration’s enforcement of existing immigration laws! Juan’s claim was immediately repeated by various Trump haters on social media while others defended Fonda saying he was just exercising his free speech rights.
- In addition to Trump supporters being called White Supremacist, Anarchist, Xenophobic, Fascist, Misogynist, Homophobic and Deplorable, Nazi, Storm Trooper, Demonic, Deranged, Uneducated, Uninformed, and Stinking have been added to the list.
- The First Lady was viciously attacked repeatedly on social media after she tweeted about how much she enjoyed visiting with the Queen of Spain where they had tea and talked about ways that they could help children around the world.
- A picture of an immigrant child in a cage crying is being circulated on various news media with references to Nazi concentration camps. FOX NEWS researched the origin of the picture and determined that IT WAS STAGED! Other pictures of immigrant children in chain link pens are being circulated that WERE ACTUALLY TAKEN IN 2014, DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION!
- Senator Feinstein wrote a bill that prevents any border enforcement within 100 miles of our southern border, and every Democratic senator signed it.
- While a FOX NEWS reporter was doing a live on-camera interview at an immigrant detention center in Texas a woman walked by him slowly in the background doing a “middle finger salute” with both hands.
- A long list of Hollywood “A Listers” have joined together to continuously and viciously attack FOX NEWS and specific host on a variety of media outlets. They are claiming that FOX and most of its host are dishonest, and that FOX NEWS viewers are uneducated and uninformed.
For the first time in a long time I am beginning to believe that some “Obama and Hillary people” will actually go to jail! We must stand up and support conservative Republicans on November 6, 2018 to keep this momentum going.
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