Conversion rate is how many audience or traffic buy your product from your website out of total audience. Or you can say that percentage of website visitors that purchase something from your site.
1.the web speed should be fast as possible.
The internet surfers are very impatient person. If they cant search what they want they will move from your website immedately. And increase the bounce rate of your page. The increment of bounce rate is not good for your business or your websites.
To increase the web speed host your website on a reliable and fast web server not slow and free web server.
Always use external css file and java script file and use few images as possible.
2. You have use a own domain name for your website.
Most of the target audience won’t buy product from free domain site like “”
So you have must a valid domain name for your website.
3.your website has a professional desgine.
If website not has a professional desgine then no will use your services that you provide. Because you website seems like as a child project which it make during internship. So designe your website professionaly.
4. Test your website on different browser.
Check your website on different-different browser. The reason behind this testing is that by this test you know that how your websit look like on different-2 browser. Because some content look great on firefox and some on chrome and some on other web browser. should use a proper dedicated landing page.
If your target audience come from an ad(google adword or banner advertising etc.) then you should us a proper dedicated landing page according to that each ad.and the dedicated page has your marketing message that you have in ad.
The author currently works for a mobile application development company.
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