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The dark side of Socialized Medicine has raised it’s ugly head again, a sick British toddler, Alfie Evans has been condemned to death by the British High Court.

Despite efforts by other countries to provide care for this child, these self righteous bureaucrats have decided who has a right to live or to die, they are committing murder with a stroke of their pen.

These murdering bureaucrats are proving that they have the last word and don’t want anybody to show them up by saving this child.

Adolph Hitler would be proud of these murderous disciples implementing his ideas of euthanasia by murdering those that they feel are of no use to society.

You can bet that if this child was the son of the wealthy or of a Noble Title, all the road blocks would be waived and a maximum effort would be made to save their child.

The is a problem for all of the British people, they are not free, they are subjects and have no rights.

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