By now there should be no surprise that the establishment politicians and the radical socialist in the so-called Democrat Party would do anything to derail President Trump.
His administration is cutting out many of the regulations that have been put in place over several decades, designed to siphon money from project budgets and stagnate the government.
Regulations have been used for years to build up the turf of bureaucratic fiefdoms justifying the existence of many of the agencies in the Federal Government.
Washington, D.C. is nothing more than a money making machine for the politicians, and bureaucrats using the money sent to operate the government.
With each success that is achieved by President Trump, that benefits the people and the more the people believe in Donald Trump, the more the message of the socialist fall on deaf ears.
The only message the left has is, They Hate Trump, and they will take away the tax cuts and kill the growth of our economy.
Putting us in a deeper hole than the one Obama left us in, now that is one hell of a message to hand the American People.
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