Hey, white folks… did you ever use the Spanish word “hola,” the Jewish word “Shalom,” or the Hawaiian word, “Aloha”? Well, if you have, the woke fascists now say you are a racist.
A handwringing leftist named David Oliver took to the pages of USA Today this week to point fingers at all you racist white people for “appropriating” words used by ethnic minorities.
This dope goes on to scold those evil white people and said, “just because you can say something doesn’t mean it’s always appropriate.”
Get a load of this, well, load:
But did you know that “aloha” doesn’t just mean hello or goodbye? “It’s a greeting or a farewell, but the meaning is deeper,” says Maile Arvin, the director of Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Utah. “One of my Hawaiian language teachers taught it to me as ‘Aloha means recognizing yourself in everyone and everything you meet.'”
If you’re not Hawaiian and you say it, it could come off as mockery. And that’s just one word to think about.
“The use of certain words requires education, knowledge and the foresight to understand when they should – or shouldn’t – come out of your mouth,” this blather fool adds.
Yeeaaah, no.
Clearly this woke halfwit is wholly unaware that the entire English language is made up of words from other cultures.
Is David Oliver against English speakers saying anything at all?
Or, as is more likely, is he just against white people saying anything?
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