“If it feels good, do it.” Hedonism became the way of teens and young adults growing up with the dawning of the age of Aquarius. They became known as the “Me” generation for their selfishness. Now, plus or minus 50 years and two generations later, it seems to be “What’s in it for me?”
Back in the mid ’60s through the late ’70s it was the way of the young to express themselves as sensualists; to be concerned only for themselves and what brought instant pleasure. The young culture made smoking marijuana a popular pastime. And they did pass time unproductively partaking of the inhalant. Sex became sport for the unmarried. The same people are now actively initiating and indoctrinating our youth in colleges and universities across the nation to become society’s barnacles.
The Millennial generation of today is very much like their parents and grand parents. They want and expect everything in life to become their personal, pleasurable rewards. Sexually confused, they proudly avow their demoralization. It is not just sexual or sensual pleasure that they seek, but the simplicity of idly receiving what others earn. While ignorant and unconcerned with life’s truths, some are willing to accept complacency in return for sustenance. Others demand more than just their keep, they want equality with those who produce.
They are unwilling to decide on anything that does not directly and positively affect their present. They see no further into the future than what they can receive today and tomorrow. Bernie Sanders was a great hit with the Millenials because he offered, and continues to offer, compensation for the evils of society. Democrats (progressive liberals if you wish) constantly pontificate about leveling the playing field so nobody trips while trying to remain equal.
Thus, today’s youth fears exposure to anything definite. They want acceptance, they just don’t want to accept. Anything that cannot be massaged or molded to fit today’s, this minute’s, wants must be rejected. If it can’t be rejected collectively, they run to a safety net.
Perversion of norms is necessary. Sex: “Eh, today I’ll get in touch with my feminine/masculine side. Tomorrow may be different but in the meantime I’ll make everybody accept me for what I am today.” Income: “I’ll probably just kinda live with my parents and let them provide for me, ’cause they have money, until someone offers me a job that pays enough to cause me to leave. Until then, I’ll beg for or demand acceptance and more benefits, as long as I don’t have to exert myself doing it.” Education: “I’ve been told, and I believe, I deserve a free education. Why should I have to pay for a degree in Social Justice. I’ll be helping the people of the world get their fair share of society’s privileges after I graduate.”
Just as many of the commune dwellers of last century learned that it was not the best life and had to take positions in society, today’s youth will learn the same. There is no free ride. You must produce or subsist. The hippies of yesteryear had the opportunity of choice and many chose to join our capitalist society rather than reject it. Others went into education and politics.
The commoners, the workers, of socialist countries know that there is no equity to that system. It is a two caste system. There are the despots who bask in and administer the wealth and those who produce the wealth for them to sumptuously disburse. The tyrant leaders cannot allow infiltration of the lesser population into their domain. There is no middle ground. There is no middle class. There is no chance for advancement. Continued subsistence is either accepted or when possible, fled.
We don’t need the change that was brought upon us in 2008. We need, as a country and as individuals, the return to pride and personal responsibility.
We only have two choices of our leaders for the next four years. One is an unknown entity with the possibility for return to prosperity for those willing to produce. The other is a continuation of the destructive Marxist path we are on. Please vote in favor of the nation’s longevity, not your immediate personal gratification. It may not make your life effort free, but it will make your life and those of future generations better in the long run.
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