- I consider the Left to be almost all Democrats, RINO Republicans, and the MSM.
- com: Delusional
Having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions. (used in a sentence) Senators who think they will get agreement on a compromise tax bill are delusional.
Every time I turn on the TV, read a new current events book or see an article headline on the internet I have trouble believing the Left really thinks what they are saying and doing is good for America. I continue to believe that all that matters to the Left is personal power and money, and they will never have enough of either one. Here are a few recent examples of the Left’s delusion:
- In a recent interview with David Axelrod, former Obama Senior Advisor, and CNN Political Commentator, Jeb Bush talked at length about why he feels that President Trump needs to have a Republican primary challenger.
- RINO Maryland Governor Hogan continues to talk publicly about the possibility that he will launch a primary campaign against President Trump. Several other RINO’s have also said they are considering doing the same thing. This is in spite of the fact that the RNC has made it crystal clear that they will not support a Republican primary challenger in any way.
- Beto suddenly reversed his position and jumped into the Democratic primary campaign with some of the most bizarre statements and campaign planks I have ever heard. It has also been made public that he has some really bad “baggage” from his younger days that some of the MSM knew about when he was challenging Senator Cruz in 2016 but did not report on it? He wrecked his vehicle while trying to run from a DUI arrest and was a member of an organized criminal hacker group. Beto raised and spent over 80 million dollars in that losing campaign. Cruz spent less than 40 million. When Pelosi and prominent Democrats in Texas were asked to name one thing that Beto accomplished when he was in an elected office all they could come up with was a bill to name a post office. After his formal announcement, he got over 6 million dollars in donations in his first 24 hours. This was 100 thousand dollars more than Bernie Sanders raised in his first 24 hours. Where is all the money coming from?
- Stacy Abrams, the handpicked, almost governor of Georgia is in Washington deciding if she is going to enter the crowded Democratic presidential primary. In an interview with Steven Ginsberg, the National Editor of The Washington Post she said, “I think that I am a skilled communicator, I think I’m a very good thinker. No, I know I’m a good thinker. I know I have policy chops. I have foreign policy experience. . . . I’ve done a great deal of work on a number of issues”. When she announced her run for Georgia Governor she had over $250,000 in credit card debt and owed the IRS $50,000. Now she is a potential presidential candidate with no known source of income? “If she decides to make the leap, the campaign would talk about race and identity, organizing, voter engagement and voter suppression, among other things”. Her position is that she lost the Georgia race because elections in Georgia, “are neither fair or free”. Based on some pretty credible reports it was her campaign that had a “large warehouse operation” doing everything possible to “stuff the ballot boxes”. Where is the money coming from?
- Even Chelsea Clinton has been attacked by the Left! At a vigil in N.Y. for the New Zealand mosque victims she was confronted by a group of students who claimed that she was partially responsible for the shootings because she had previously “stoked hatred against Muslims”. Her “sin” was making a public statement against Rep Omar’s anti-sematic public policy statements! Chelsea was invited to be part of that vigil?
- Special Council Mueller filed documents in the U.S. District Court in Washington indicating that his “Russia interference with our elections probe” is ongoing. This is the clearest indication to date that the Left intends to keep this unjustified “investigation in search of a crime” going as long as they can. Tens of Millions of taxpayer dollars spent so far (that we know about) and many lives ruined with the only clear evidence so far indicating that the Obama White House, the DOJ, the FBI, the DNC, and the Clinton Campaign all broke numerous laws and spent millions of dollars colluding and illegally trying to fix the election for Hillary.
- The U.S. House of Representatives spent days last week passing a meaningless resolution demanding that the Mueller report (whenever it gets delivered to the A.G.) be made public in its entirety (which cannot be done for many legal reasons including national security). The only reason for doing this was to try and make the Republicans look bad when they did not vote for it. With President Trump’s full public support all the Republicans joined all the Democrats in voting for the meaningless resolution. This was nothing but a useless Democrat publicity stunt that wasted a lot of taxpayer money.
- All indications are that “Speaker” Pelosi is losing control of her party in the House. I am reminded of when she was Speaker before and said this about Obamacare, “we must pass the bill so we can see what is in it”. Yes, there is TV footage of her saying that. I am now certain that she is that delusional. Under her leadership, none of “the People’s Business” is getting done in the House.
- Pelosi went public with her plans to support changing the voting age in America from 18 years old to 16 years old!
- When an Army General was reporting to a congressional committee regarding the U.S. military’s needs in the upcoming budget year some representatives demanded our military remove an aircraft carrier and other ships from their requested items and replace them with airplanes that they said they did not need or want. With China rapidly becoming the number one threat to the world on the seas our military really needed the aircraft carrier and ships. I wonder how much money the lobbyist spent to get that done?
- When Joe Biden said publicly that V.P. Pence is a “nice guy” the current Democrat declared presidential candidates “lined up” to denigrate Biden for saying that!
- When it was reported that people in ICE detention centers were quarantined as a result of outbreaks of mumps, measles and other contagious diseases the online attacks from the left went ballistic. They said things like this was “Trump’s Nazi death camps” and “they were for genocide on US soil. Repeat it with filthy MAGAs”. There were hundreds of comments like this on one CNN article.
- When asked about the college admissions cheating scandal in a televised interview Senator Warren immediately condemned them. This is the person who signed forms at Harvard claiming to be part Native American so she would get special status as a minority on the staff. She did the same thing on her Texas Bar application and in other places.
- During an interview at the SXSW conference recently AOC said. “we must overhaul America’s garbage status quo, which is enslaved to irredeemable capitalism”. She also said that “in America, if you are unemployed you are left to die in the streets”.
- Chris Wallace is increasingly showing his liberal side. In a recent interview with another Trump hater on Fox, Shepard Smith he said that “there is no way Donald Trump can win a second term with just his base and he doesn’t seem to care about anyone else”. From what I have seen this is absolutely NOT TRUE!
Definitely DELUSIONAL!
When you add to the above the daily increase of Democrats officially declaring they are running for president, all with the same “capitalism bad, socialism good, raise taxes on corporations and the rich” platform, it is going to be an INTERESTING media circus from now until November 3, 2020! And I still think that the Left will not succeed in removing President Trump from office and middle America will vote overwhelmingly to re-elect Him!
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