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For decades, especially beginning with the first Clinton Presidency, the Democratic Party has been very unified and disciplined regarding its public policy positions and messaging.

This unity and discipline continued through most of the Bush 43 presidencies and was reinforced with the election of Obama to his first term in the White House. As I watched politics over the last few decades it seemed obvious to me that the only way the party could be this unified and disciplined was if the DNC was providing daily talking points and public policy statement updates with very specific language to all party members. This has become more obvious recently as more Democrats have “stumbled badly” as they try to blindly stick to the current talking points about the DNC, Hillary and her campaign.

As more information about the DNC becomes public it is inarguable that the DNC is, and has been for several years, in a state of TOTAL DISARRAY. In 2014 it was practically bankrupt with $24 million in debt left over from the Obama 2012 reelection campaign and was being run like a third world dictatorship by Debbie Wasserman Shultz and then the Hillary Clinton campaign. The old debt was especially surprising to me when you consider that Obama, who raised billions during his campaigns with no regard for various Federal regulations, and spent tremendous amounts of money funding various tax exempt organizations, left the DNC practically bankrupt and totally mismanaged! This is the guy who got a $60 million advance for a book he has not even started writing yet!

There is so much information coming out now about illegal and unethical activities by Clinton, her campaign and DNC officers and staff that Democrats are really having trouble following the standard Democrat play book when asked about any of the new revelations. According to the Democratic play book they are supposed to deny, deny, deny, deflect and then attack Trump and Republicans. Unfortunately this response is simply not working well for them now. This is becoming an increasing problem for the Democrats even with the MSM openly colluding with them.  Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN actually met with senior staff to devise a plan to discredit Donna Brazile’s allegations of problems at the DNC and in the Democratic Party. Brazile is loudly fighting back publicly with the release of her new “tell all” book and a very busy news and talk show schedule, including several appearances on FOX NEWS!

Here are just a few of the Obama and Clinton scandals with new information that is becoming public daily, and sometimes hourly:

  • Democrats rigging the primary.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians .Yes,, it was actually the Democrats who colluded, but no one can remember who authorized the millions of dollars in payments for what they call “innocent opposition research!”,
  • The Clintons “Uranium One” deal.
  • Even more seriously damaging information about Clinton, and her staff’s, Federal e-mail crimes (treason), and the Obama Administration’s corrupt handling of “emailgate”.

Yes, the Democrats are “eating their own” with Donna Brazile leading the way!

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