Treason is defined in Section 3 of Article 3 of our Constitution. It says, “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Some people say using the word “treason” to describe the Clinton’s activities is too harsh. When you look at many of the things the Clintons have done, all for money and power, I do not think that it is inappropriate to use that word. It should also be noted that everything they have done was coldly calculated and in most cases deliberately hidden and lied about when necessary to keep it covered up.
Remember Hillary’s brief press conference at the U.N in 2015 when the fact that she had a secret, illegal server became public? She said that she chose to use one devise for all her communications, work and personal for “convenience”! Let me repeat that, “one devise for convenience “. We now know that she used multiple private, illegal servers, and as many as 13 cell phones, Blackberrys and IPads (that we know about). There was also at least one note book PC, and thumb drive memory devises with her communications on them, plus various devises that some of her staff used.
To make matters worse all her servers and electronic devises were set up and maintained by a variety of people who did not have a security clearance at even the lowest level! To put it in the simplest of terms, she deliberately chose to expose State Department communications for four years for MONEY, lots of MONEY, all funneled through the Clinton Foundation and Clinton bank accounts. One example is the State Department, while she was Secretary of State, approved the sale of U.S. uranium stock to Frank Giustra, a Canadian billionaire, who resold it to a Russian business interest. While this was happening Bill Clinton traveled around the world with Giustra to give very highly paid speeches. At other times Bill was given the use of Giustra’s private jet to travel to other countries to give highly paid speeches. Giustra was also a huge contributor to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clintons, who supposedly left the White House “dead broke”, now have an estimated net worth of one to two hundred million dollars and the Clinton Foundation is estimated to have taken in around two billion dollars. No one knows for sure because of the “sloppy and incomplete” reporting of the Clinton Foundation.
Regarding the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work, no credible non-partisan charity rating organization will rate the foundation because of the “sloppy and inaccurate” reporting noted above and the minuscule amount of its income that actually goes to charity. One detailed analysis published recently indicated that in 2014 as little as six per cent of the Foundation’s income actually went to charitable organizations and most of that went to organizations the Clintons controlled. Most of the Clinton Foundation money goes to “administration” which means it goes to support the Clinton lifestyle and to their relatives and supporters in the form of bloated salaries, benefits and expenses.
While Hillary was Secretary of State she had two electronic devises destroyed, many others are not accounted for, and then she had tens of thousands of U.S. Government communications destroyed (after they were subpoenaed multiple times). Also I do not recall anyone saying what happened to her original, secret, illegal server? So how could she say that she “chose to use one devise for all her communications as a matter of convenience”?
It is absolutely undeniable that she coldly, deliberately and constantly put sensitive U.S information at risk of exposure to our enemies for FOUR YEARS for MONEY, LOTS of MONEY. When you consider the facts that no one really knows where all her State Department communications are today or who may have them, sensitive U.S information is still at risk today! And the corrupt Obama Administration continues to protect her!
And now we have Hillary openly accusing Trump of being the equivalent of an ISIS officer and giving “aid and comfort” to ISIS based on his rhetoric?
It is inconceivable to me that Hillary is not in Federal prison along with a lot of her staff, and even more inconceivable that she is one of the two top candidates for President of the United States of America! I ask again, how did we get to this place in America?
Tags: Hillary Obama Presidential Election Trump
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