It was a Friday night in early May. I had been on YouTube and a Google search when I discovered that blood can boil at 98.6 degrees F. That Facebook fascist snot Mark Zuckerberg was taking censorship, and arrogance, to a whole new level, and nobody was doing anything about it.
Across the Atlantic, in England, heroic journalist Julian Assange was being subjected to solitary confinement in the Her Majesty’s notorious Belmarsh prison. Sentenced to 50 weeks confinement, allegedly for jumping bail, but actually for tearing some of the manhole covers off the sewer. At the urging of the United States, he had been sold by Ecuador for a $4.2 million IMF loan (never to be repaid).
At our southern border the invasion of drugs, sex slavery, violent crime, disease, and illegal peon voters of the future rolled on, creating Los Estados Invadidos de America.
Guilt-ridden liberals, unwilling to receive or grant forgiveness, continued to demand the sacrifice of everything good and normal to everything wicked and perverted in a futile attempt to assuage their miserable consciences.
FISA and other government documents confirming criminal, and treasonous, behavior by Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and everyone contaminated by them, continued to be suppressed by President Donald Trump.
Brilliant madmen continued to dig the grave of the human race by developing genetic engineering and AI computers for use in the transhumanist agenda.
The Christian church continued to fulfill prophecy, appeasing, and pleasing, the Enemy of us all.
Everywhere, from billboards to Congress, the nation-wide attack of Stupid intensified.
California was preparing to once again celebrate Sinkhole de Mayo.
The United States of America was dying in real time (but with a low unemployment rate!).
I closed out a Tucker Carlson video before calling it a night; the shutdown was not smooth. For just the slightest fraction of a second a picture of Tucker Carlson with a red clown nose flashed on my screen. If I had not accidentally been alert it would not have registered consciously at all. I was unable to get it to repeat visibly. I suspect YouTube. This war is everywhere, continuously.
There will be 5 Friday nights in America in May this year, this was one of them.
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