There is a lot of speculation as to who will run on the GOP’s ticket in 2020. Several news agencies have been making the claim that Joe Biden will be the one. The truth is Biden’s touchy feely attitude towards young women and children would make him a horrible candidate and would absolutely ensure that the DNC would get a thrashing that would be historic in scope. I’m sorry to break it to you, but it isn’t going to be that easy.
Democrats need to find someone with name recognition first. You’re not going to beat a President whose having the kind of successes that Trump is having with some unknown entity. At this point Trump would have to start WWIII to be defeated and the Dems know this.
Several days ago I wrote a piece called “Where in the World is Barack Obama.” Initially I assumed that he is in hiding because of the possibility of the Russian investigation turning on him. Clearly he broke the spirit of the law if not the law itself when he authorized the spying on Trump and his campaign before and after the election. But let’s be honest, liberals and the media don’t give a crap about how many laws the Obama Regime committed while in office. Believing that Obama, Hilary or any of their top cohorts will ever be held accountable for their actions is a fools folly.
Barack Obama disappearing from the world stage is very telling about who is going to be running against Trump in 2020. As he has disappeared from the limelight someone else has entered to replace him, Michael Obama. That’s right folks our former first transsexual has been giving speeches and putting herself into the public eye for one and only one reason. She is the only chance the DNC has of winning in 2020.
Don’t think Michelle has a chance in hell? One might have also said that back in 2007 when her husband went up against the Clinton money/power machine. Who would have thought in 2007 that a man whose only real accomplishment was 2 years as a part time senator would have ever become president but he did.
And then there is the female factor. Barack Obama won the presidential election twice on the backs of women. The only reason women didn’t come out for Hillary in the last election is because Clinton was just too corrupt to attract the majority of women in America. Michael doesn’t have the same baggage Hillary has and you can bet that just like in 2008 and 2012, your wife/girlfriend is going to vote for a woman in 2020 once she is behind the curtain and you can’t know for sure who she has voted for.
So my prediction in 2020 is Michelle Obama will be the one to run and the level of support she will receive from the legacy press and the nature of the female voting block makes her the best choice for the DNC.
Black Pigeon Speaks made a video about how women destroy civilizations.
Will 2020 prove him right?
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