By Frosty Wooldridge,
African-American educational leaders state that, “Math is racist.” Except mathematics has no more to do with racism than green grass is “racist.” Mathematics forms the foundation of our entire civilization as to engineering, construction, transportation, food, and just about everything that allows this country to thrive. So, how exactly did “race” get thrown into the mix? Answer: by those who won’t or can’t do their homework to discover the answer to the equation! The equation is solved or not solved. It doesn’t care about the color of your skin!
Other black leaders have enshrined the women-beater, car jacker, Federal felon, local porn star, drug addict and drug trafficker George Floyd as a national hero. Never mind the man died of a fentanyl overdose while three minority cops and one white cop subdued him on the ground for committing yet another crime in his crime-ridden life…passing counterfeit bills.
After that moment, Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down American cities, stole and smashed everything in sight across the nation to the tune of $2 billion in damages as well as killing over a dozen people. Not one anarchist/arsonist/thief saw a jail cell.
That’s when the term “White Supremacy” became the call-word for African-Americans being shot, mistreated, jailed and harmed by white cops. That’s when the call for “defund the cops” and “kill cops” became the clarion call…in inner cities across America.
Since that time, criminals have enjoyed the freedom to rob stores, rob trains, jack cars, shoplift, and shoot people with complete immunity in America’s largest cities.
So, you might ask the question, “What exactly is the meaning of white supremacy?”
Because Whoopi Goldberg, a black lady on the TV show, “The View”, wanted to know if anything would be done if white people were shot or beaten like Tyre Nichols was beaten last week by five black police officers.
Last week, five black Memphis, Tennessee police officers stopped Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old black man, for reckless driving. He resisted arrest, broke loose and ran from the officers. They tased him with an electrical taser gun, but that didn’t stop him. They pursued him in a footrace. A total of five black officers beat the living crap out of him with punches and kicks to the head. Finally, after more kicking, punching, and beating…they cuffed him. He suffered such a beating that he was taken to the hospital where he died.
MSNBC host Joy Reid called the beating “White Supremacy” in action. America’s number one con-man and tax evader, Al Sharpton called it entrenched white supremacy. In other words, African-Americans who administered the Tyr Nichols beating were pronounced “white supremacists.”
Except, here’s the reality of the situation: Memphis, Tennessee features 70 percent black population. The mayor is black, police chief a black woman, city council all black, most teachers are black, most police officers are black all the way down to black workers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Arby’s, and Pizza Hut. Most of the kids in school are African-American.
You may be wondering, exactly, what in the devil is “white supremacy” and how is it dominating Memphis, Tennessee where the black population dominates every aspect of the city?
How can white supremacy be blamed when 9 out of 10 killings in big cities are black on blacks killing blacks? Let’s take a look at the facts on any given weekend in black-dominated cities:
January 28, 29, 2023, CHICAGO (CBS News) — At least 51 people were shot over weekend in Chicago, and nine of the victims have died. Four of the victims were under 18 years old, including a 4-year-old who was shot in the South Chicago neighborhood Friday evening. South Chicago is virtually 90 percent black or Hispanic or illegal alien migrants. This killing rate continues every single weekend in a city run by black Mayor Lori Lightfoot.
January 28, 29, 2023, NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) – Violent crime plagued New Orleans again over the weekend. Nine shootings, two dead, 10 robberies. Police investigated multiple homicides, shootings, and 10 different armed robberies. On Sun., June 26, police say three robberies happened back-to-back in the Marigny. In each of the cases, police say three men, armed with guns, demanded victims’ belongings and took off on foot.
Los Angeles: The Beverly Crest shooting came just eight days after a Jan. 21 mass shooting in the Los Angeles County city of Monterey Park, where 12 people were fatally shot at a dance studio allegedly by a 72 …
These shootings and killings in these big cities continue as black on black killings, people of color shooting people of color. How do you define those killings as “White Supremacy” Whoopi Goldberg and/or Joy Reid, and Al Sharpton?
At some point, we need to have a reckoning with black people in America to take responsibility for accountability in a civil society, and foundational ethics.
How can America’s minorities ever climb out of the inner cities when 80 percent of them, as in Detroit, Michigan, where I used to work, flunk out or drop out of high school? Most big black dominated cities feature the same illiteracy rates. There’s no way that white America can save black America if black America won’t save itself. Please note that I taught in inner city Grand Rapids, Michigan for two years to see exactly what was happening for myself. How do minority kids do their homework? Their parents sit them in front of the television. Or, they play games on their computers. They spend 10 hours a day on their cell phones. Not too much educational pursuit going on in those homes!
Are there any solutions? Of course! But our Congress and presidents would rather fight 20-year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by spending $6 trillion on their countries rather than our country. Biden and Congress would rather send $100 billion to Ukraine to defend its borders instead of securing our borders. Biden would rather invite six million illegal refugee migrants into our country rather than serve our schools and our children.
Worst of all, the American people sit by and watch it happen…and do nothing to stop it. They continue voting in the same corrupt Congressional critters…so they get the same results. In the end, the inner cities will continue with crime, murders, mayhem, misery, suffering and anarchy. It’s only going to get worse and it’s not going to get better. White supremacy? How about inner-city insanity by inner city “Black Supremacy?”
Frosty Wooldridge is a population-immigration-environmental specialist, a speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences, and a six continent world bicycle traveler, speaker/writer/adventurer.
Web: and Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge.
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