When you argue with liberals they never attack based on the facts, but always on the basis of lies....
Presidential Campaign 2016
Vote for Hillary to save the GOP! This is the kind of stupidity that NeverTrumpers are passing off...
When you argue righteousness with a liberal they cannot dispute that you are right, so they resort to calling...
When 95% of media donates to Democrats it is no surprise that 90% of the stories they run about...
Think “Democrats are for the little guy?” That’s true if you understand that they are for the little...
Who will investigate rigged computers and other methods used by Democrats to commit voter fraud; the FBI that exonerated...
Democrat media is maintaining a media blackout on Donald Trump. They only broadcast Hillary and Obama and their...
Socialist economies are epic failures. Leftists say capitalism only benefits the rich, but socialism benefits everyone. No...
Hillary isn’t on the campaign trail much, but when she is her rallies barely draw flies. Even Obama...
In an exhibition of genius, Rush Limbaugh pulls back the veil of liberal, leftist psychological warfare designed to silence...
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