A few days ago, I was directed to a YouTube video that prompted me to recall the danger, the...
President Trump
Yesterday, in the first segment of my weekly podcast, I recalled for the listeners, a story of which I...
We incur massive costs for illegals: Annual costs for illegals are $113 Billion, $29 Billion at the Federal level...
This Week in Liberalism: Deportation Sob Stories, Scary Firearms are Banned, Attacks on the American Flag
iPatriot ContributersThis Week in Liberalism: Deportation Sob Stories, Scary Firearms are Banned, Attacks on the American Flag
No one appreciates the God-given Jewish intellect more than Vigileaks. Whether it is used for a powerful good to...
This president has more to overcome than most. Because he is an outsider, he doesn’t understand or follow political...
Ok, it is confession time for this conservative. I first cast a vote for President in 1976 for, umm,...
For our beloved President Trump! God Bless You! Here is a check list of serious concerns for an immediate...
For eight long years the U.S. economy struggled while King Barack and the Royal family jetted off to wherever...
As a result of their Travel Ban Order, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judges William Canby, Richard Clifton and...
Right Report
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