This letter was sent by Peter BetBasoo to Carly Fiorina, then CEO of Hewlett Packard Corporation, in response to...
It is probably nothing more than rumor. Indeed, no sane person would consider it more. And yet, is it...
This morning one of Barack Obama's most closely guarded secrets has been leaked: proof of Obama's alliance with Muslim...
Donald Trump was severely criticized for suggesting that the U.S. should limit or temporarily suspend the immigration of certain...
The answer is to kill as many as necessary to totally defeat them as often as necessary. Under...
Today I wrote an article about the proposed new UNESCO vote concerning the rights to the Temple Mount in...
Muslims might want Jews to disappear, but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Not only is their statement, through...
People have latched onto the word Islamophobia like it has some special meaning that is aimed at people who...
An obvious episode resulted in the creation of Hillary’s Basket of Deplorables, a new destination for those who do...
I recently wrote of the discovery of floor tiles in the Temple Mount precincts that prove beyond doubt that...
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