For Republicans, the easy road is to obey President Trump and go nuclear at the first sign of delay...
Mitch McConnell
Today, President Donald Trump plans to name his Supreme Court nominee to replace the late great Antonin Scalia, who...
American Politics just Got Better... Harry Reid is Finally Gone!
The problem with liberal urban legends is...they're not true.
I have written to both Mr. McConnell and Mr. Ryan in the past, suggesting a number of actions that...
Most people were not taught how the terms Leftwing and Rightwing came into existence. Most do not understand they...
Last October (2015), Utah representative Jason Chaffetz, one of the few Congressman who actually takes his job seriously, presented...
You’ve scrimped and saved for years and now you’re ready to either buy your first house or move into...
Barely a day had passed, and with 49 Americans laying dead in the morgue and many more in Orlando...
It is inconceivable the Speaker of the House, Ryan, and the Majority Leader of the Senate, McConnell, refuse to...
Right Report
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