Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) thought she could get away with slandering Sen. Jeff Sessions from the podium of the...
Elizabeth Warren
By threatening Russia at the UN, newly appointed ambassador Nikki Haley makes it painfully clear that President Trump has...
Folks, I see trouble on the playground. Angela Merkel decided to tell her spokesman Steffan Seibert to inform us...
With the demise of Hillary the democrats are frantic they won’t have a new designate to pander to. Enter...
Tim Kaine is not the organ to be transplanted. He is the cables and juice on hand to restart...
Is America on the Cusp of a Political Meltdown?
Pocahontas Warren's Birth Certificate
That which Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren push back against, Jesus and Privilege; are dissimilarly the same, identical.
Elizabeth Warren is on Hillary’s short list for VP. The woman who, famously or infamously depending on your...
Elizabeth Warren has become the face of the galactic stupidity of the Democrat party.
Right Report
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