The normally left-wing country of Sweden did not follow the mindless COVIDiots by locking down their country and forcing everyone to get vaccines. And now we know they had the lowest mortality rate in the world.
According The Daily Skeptic, Sweden did “ten times better than Chile, in fact, notorious for having the strictest lockdowns.”
“As of reporting date June 19th 2022, of all the countries analysed by the OECD, Sweden has the lowest overall cumulative excess deaths tally,” DS added.
Check this out:
DS explained:
The somewhat less meaningful Covid death tally (per million population) does not have the same relative magnitude since different countries use different methods for recording what is and what isn’t a Covid death, on top of the fact, of course, that it’s a Pyrrhic victory to mitigate Covid deaths at the expense of higher excess non-Covid deaths. Take a look at Canada and Israel as prime examples of this – remarkably low Covid deaths relative to the rest of the world but very much in the worst half of the dataset in terms of overall excess mortality.
So, Sweden even beat neighbour Norway in the end. And, as you can see in the charts below, Norway is still heading in the wrong direction. So too are early successes, Australia and New Zealand. Their cumulative excess death tally has less Covid in it than other countries but they are getting their Covid add-ons now.
DS has far more at its article, so go check it out.
But what we are seeing is how dangerous the elites were for our lives during the scamdemic.
Our governments were literally killing us.
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