A new Columbia University study finds that liberal kids are far, far more unhappy than conservative kids. Also, liberal girls are even more unhappy than the rest.
Per The Blaze:
The study, entitled, “The politics of depression: Diverging trends in internalizing symptoms among US adolescents by political beliefs,” was published in the journal Social Science & Medicine – Mental Health in December.
As the title suggests, epidemiologist Catherine Gimbrone and her coauthors analyzed depressive attitudes between conservative and liberal 12th-graders from 2005 to 2018.
Conservatism was defined in the study as “support of individual liberty, right-wing social and religious values, and unregulated free markets.” Liberalism was defined as “support of equal opportunity, free but semi-regulated markets, civil liberties, and social justice.”
The researchers found that “conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores than all other groups.”
From approximately 2011 to 2018, female liberal 12th-graders’ depressive affect score climbed precipitously. Their male liberal counterparts were neck-and-neck with them in terms of depression between 2005 and 2011; however, the boys’ aggressive rise in depressive affect lagged behind the girls’ by a year, starting in earnest around 2013.
Meanwhile, the study added that the conservative kids showed no such rising levels of depression.
Now, who can be surprised by any of this?
Modern liberalism is built entirely on hate, envy, and victimism. Everyone hates you. Everyone wants to oppress you. You parents are against you. Your government is evil. Your country’s history is evil.
No wonder these kids feel so depressed. Their entire ideology is depression.
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