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A new study finds that not only are masks useless for stopping anyone from getting sick, they are actually making those who wear them get sick.

This is not the first time a study has found that masks are bad for people. In fact, nearly every study ever conducted — save a few that were published during the height of the COVID madness — has found that they are useless.

The newest one pinpoints the intake of carbon dioxide that mask wearers force upon themselves as a major problem.

Per The American Conservative:

That study highlights how much carbon dioxide mask-wearers are breathing back into their own lungs, essentially poisoning themselves in the process. Rather than breathing in the fresh air of freedom, mask-wearers breathe in the tainted air that should have been expelled from their bodies and released out into the open. The authors of the German study observe that “a significant rise in carbon dioxide occurring while wearing a mask is scientifically proven in many studies.”

It is the magnitude of the rise that is most striking. “Fresh air has around 0.04% CO2,” the authors write, while “masks bear a possible chronic exposure to low level carbon dioxide of 1.41–3.2% CO2 of the inhaled air in reliable human experiments.” So, research suggests that mask-wearers (specifically those who wear masks for more than five minutes at a time) are breathing in 35 to 80 times normal levels of carbon dioxide. To put that into perspective, the authors describe chronic exposure at CO2 levels of 0.3 percent—just 8 times normal levels—as “toxic.”

The German study is a scoping review of existing research, and it aimed “to investigate the toxicological effects of face masks in terms of CO2 rebreathing on developing life, specifically for pregnant women, children, and adolescents.” Breathing in too much carbon dioxide can harm the human body in a wide variety of ways. The potential symptoms mentioned by the authors include “increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and overall increased circulation with the symptoms of headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, rhinitis, and dry cough,” as well as “respiratory acidosis, metabolic stress, increased blood flow and decreased exercise tolerance.” In addition, they write, “Testes metabolism and cell respiration have been shown to be inhibited increasingly by rising levels of CO2.”

The study also brings in the fact that stillbirths had increased 33 percent worldwide during the era of COVID hysteria.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that this is all true.

Masks do NOTHING whatever to stop virus transmission. And at this point, you just aren’t very smart if you say otherwise.

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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.


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