What’s wrong with our National Government? Remember the old adage: Everyone, Someone, No-one etc.?
Everybody in Washington D.C. knows about the “swamp”; everybody is aware of the backstabbing, the lies, the collusion between departments, the Politicization of everything. This is no longer a government ” … of the people … “, it is a Government ‘of the Politicians’.
These folks we put in office are there solely for the Party. And the party ensures the continuance of their position of power, authority, and financial independence.
Many folks do not like President Trump. He never asked you to like him. He has only asked that we work with him, work together, to rid our Nation of those who would overtake our Republic. They are reaching in so many directions, with no central goal other than to rid the world of those that do not agree with them.
How can you agree with nothing? How can you follow a leader that does not exist?
The Demographic Socialist movement has no definite direction. All we ever hear from any of them, and they each speak to their own agenda, is to mock and complain of the President.
He has surrounded himself with the best of the best. He relies on those who know better than him. Of course, he had to weed out the “swamp”, and he is still doing that. It may take the entire first term to accomplish this feat. But he has started, and he has accomplished more in this brief time of the first term, than any two previous Presidents together may have done. President Trump has accomplished all that he has promised so far.
And yet, the anti-Trump people, the Democratic Socialist faction, find it necessary to criticize his every move. That is all they have in common.
What they do have with them, is a Media that has strayed so far from the intended purpose of those before them.
This Media is controlled by a faction that is owned and financed by George Soros, and Hillary Clinton, among others.
Their goal is “One World Order”. Our Nation is bigger than that. We are a very diversified Nation; and part of a very diversified World. We are striving to live together on this Planet. A beautiful and enduring home.
Our diversity is our strength. And our common ground is the ability to communicate with each other; striving to overcome our differences in opinion. Each major entity on this planet (America, Germany, England, France etc.) has their own specialty to share with the World. I refer to the ability of the peoples of each. The electricians, the builders, the planners; each has his own specialty, and together with the architects, we have evolved into a wonderful World. We need each other, and we must depend on each other.
We do not need the Clintons or the Soros’s to tell us how to live, to control our lives for their financial benefit, and to satisfy their need for power.
They have gained ground in their attempts to influence our young. But it will be a short-lived gain. Many have seen through their facade. They have not been able to come together, as they have no solid foundation.
No Socialistic government has been able to survive over the many centuries that Historians have been taking note of, and about.
When there is no foundation, there is no building. Foundations are the solid beginning of anything. And they will sustain if their consistency is acceptable and strong.
Agreeing with President Trumps methodology is not a prerequisite at this time. Recognize the accomplishments he has led us through, see the facts and understand that his agenda cannot be completed in a day.
Sometimes we must walk through the mud to get to the solid ground. He is different than any leader we have had in the Oval Office. Accept him for himself. He loves this Country, he loves his family; he will not do anything to destroy either.
We must work together.
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