“My card trumps your card, so I win.” “The charges are trumped up and mean nothing.” Quietly sweeping his way into the mindset of the American voter, Donald J. Trump announced his full body dive into the world of politics. Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and speech at Trump Tower in New York City.
For many Americans, the language has accepted the word trump to mean power, prestige, Omnipresence and Americana. For others, it has meant, “You are Fired”. Either way, Americans were well aware of the public persona that was given to an aspiring candidate. Donald J. Trump just had to “sound” intellectual, offer promises that touched the hearts of millions of Americans, and a promise to remove the touches once aspired by Barack Obama and the current contending opposition leader, Hillary Clinton. Being well aware of the mainstream media’s image of progressiveness, and understanding that the Republican party was ready to win once again after the very demoralizing loss by Mitt Romney, Donald J. Trump just had to outdo his competition, and he would be well on his way to becoming president.
Once again, America was ready for change and did not care how it occurred, as long as it happened, and the person who could vocalize change from the ordinary would become the Candidate of choice. Donald understood this, which is commonplace on television and the cut-throat American business world. Strong opponents like Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, and Chris christie did not give into television antics, and slid into obscurity quickly, while Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich stood strongly against the winds of change, and fought valiantly till the end.
Donald Trump was nothing short of being bombastic, controversial, and headliner on a daily basis, out-performing and out headlining the competition. When there was nothing to write about, Donald would turn to twitter and fight the battles, make false claims, and allow his friends in the world of drama media to spur on lies and #alternativefacts. The outcome was written before many candidates got started. The sad commentary is that fact will always play the KARMA button when you least expect, and for the 34% of America who looks at Donald J. Trump as the American hero, his words and deeds from the past, slowly, quietly, ever faster, ever louder became open for discussion and opinion.
The court papers opening up the discussion on Spousal rape and Ivana, to the Trump university, there were several issues one could clamp their teeth into and state emphatically, Donald is far from the integrity driven American we want as POTUS” President of the United States”. These stories were being turned into strengths, and lies by the never failing Trumpian “Donald Trump Supporters” . We heard the words coming out of Donald’s mouth over and over about willing to date his daughter Ivanka and a great piece of A** if she was not his daughter, to him stating without question women want him to grab them in the vaginal area because they are aroused by his presence. Then we heard the words of one Donald J. Trump praising Russia’s Vladimir Putin and the leadership qualities that he portrays. The onslaught of false claims from stating Ted Cruz had an out of marriage affair, to Ted Cruz’s father being part of the JFK shooting conspiracy, to Hillary Clinton being best of friends to Russia, and giving away Uranium.
With the wide array of obnoxious, outlandish, and controversial tweets made by Donald Trump, along with the wide array of high-profile issues, it was hard to believe that he would win an election. Bang, Beep, Bop, Whiz, suddenly thousands if not millions of bots in support of Donald J. Trump as President appeared from out of the internet, all seemingly to be tied to Russia. Then beyond total belief of the #nevertrump, and #notmypresident millions were shocked beyond belief. The United States presidential election of 2016 was the 58th quadrennial American presidential election, was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, and Donald J. Trump was quietly and sadly congratulated by Hillary Clinton and her millions of Clintonites.
America had just elected a non-politician but grossly emerged into political panderings Donald J. Trump as the 45th POTUS. The first congratulatory call was from one Vladimir Putin. The story did not end there and today the story is ever-growing, but the questions are growing like weeds in the paw paw patch. From staffers to cabinet leaders, to family members, and Donald J. Trump himself, questionable ties to Russia, the ability to lead to unifying America, and lead to the servant attitude of integrity morality and principles. Quietly in the night, the evil of division, bigotry, #alternativefacts and misleading words have taken hold of the greatest society and country the world has ever known.
Tags: Donald Trump President Trump
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