The newest revelations about Joe Biden and the Biden family finances seems to show that they all took at least ten million dollars from foreign countries such as China, Ukraine, and Romania and funneled the cash payoffs through a number of fake companies and into the accounts of Joe, his brothers and sisters, his son Hunter, and even his grandchildren.
The scope of this corruption is shocking. As Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett said, “The sheer magnitude of Biden family corruption uncovered by the House Oversight Committee can only be described as breathtaking.”
“In total, Biden family members and business associates designed a web of over 20 companies, many of which were formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency, the committee revealed. In total, the Biden family, business associates, and companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ companies, the committee found,” Breitbart News reported.
Joe has loudly and angrily complained about reporting that he took money from China, in particular, and has fully denied he ever got a penny from our country’s biggest international enemy.
But this report thoroughly contradicts Joe’s claims.
Jarrett added:
The incriminating evidence comes from thousands of subpoenaed banking records, wire transfers, and electronic transactions contained in more than 170 suspicious activity reports (SARs) that were flagged by banks and sent to the criminal division at the Treasury Department. The Biden administration refused to cough up those records until the Committee recently forced its hand. There are still more documents to be examined, suggesting that the Biden profiteering could far exceed the millions of dollars already tracked.
In Washington, where corruption and graft are endemic, the Bidens appear to have taken it to dizzying heights. While greed was the likely motive, concealment was the key to success. In just one deal alone more than a million dollars involved 16 different wire transfers ran through five different bank accounts before the funds eventually landed in Biden family hands. This and other transactions were well hidden “in a web of deception and corruption,” noted committee member Rep. Byron Daniels. Cycling through this many companies serves no other purpose but to disguise illicit, if not illegal, payments, he concluded.
The banking records also prove that Joe has lied outright when he said that no money was earned from foreign sources when he was serving as Barack Obama’s vie president.
Some of these records do date to his years in the VP’s seat.
The records show that payoffs went into accounts bearing the names of Joe, his brother James and sister Hallie, Hunter and an unnamed Biden that is thus far unnamed because it rumored to be one of his grandchildren.
All of these payments are not linked to any actual work done for any of these foreign actors. Indeed, it is a complete mystery as to how the Bidens have justified the payoffs. The implication is that the payoffs were made so that Joe would use his influence to affect policy in favor oof these countries.
It is also suspected that none of these payments have ever been claimed on tax forms by any of these crooked Bidens.
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