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Q:  What kind of imbecile Secret Service agent leaves her computer containing the floor plans for Trump Tower, Tower evacuation protocols, information on the Hillary Clinton private email server investigation, and other national security info sitting in her car?!  Along with her agency access keycard.  All waiting to be stolen! – As they were March 16 in Brooklyn NY.

A:  One in the same Secret Service where two agents assigned to protect Donald Trump III “manned their posts” by taking selfies with him on March 1 as he slept, between Westchester County and Manhattan; causing the boy to “wake up” and “freak out.”

One in the same Secret Service where an intruder jumped the fence at the White House last week while carrying two cans of Mace and remained on the grounds for at least 15 minutes before ever-alert agents finally woke-up and arrested him.

One in the same Secret Service that ranked dead-last in employee satisfaction of 305 federal agencies in 2016.  (Washington Post)

Q:  As the lying liberal media attempt to bury President Trump in a blizzard of fake news, as weasels in his own party attempt to put a knife in his ribs, and deep state elements in the CIA, who routinely murder people, work to oust him from his duly elected office, who or what is protecting President Trump?

A:  Providence and prayer.


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