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I second the evangelical posting. But a quick look at Clinton/Obama and the picture is worse.

One statement by itself, makes one wonder about Trump. Trump said he never sinned and  needed to ask for forgiveness. I believe: “All have sinned and some short of the glory of God.  We are saved by grace not works. We are called to repentance.”

Trump was competing with at least five if not seven for the evangelical vote; Carson, Huckabee, Santorum, Cruz, Rubio, Perry and Walker. Trump hinted that Cruz might not be eligible because he was born in Canada,  so a vote for him would be wasted, Many  remarks proved false after that primary. We will never know if that remark won the election or if a vote would change. The attack on North Carolina could have changed super Tuesday.

I want complete protection of religious rights. This means protection from lawsuits in normally private matters but not general service. Even though I oppose gay marriage, it would still be allowed  in a libertarian view.

Evangelism and immigration is a mixed bag on which I have no firm answers. I don’t want a religion to stop freedom of religion.


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