Dr. Steve Pieczenik has announced that a bloodless Second American Revolution is, as I write this, being conducted by members of more than 19 US Intelligence organizations, including FBI, CIA, US military intelligence, and in conjunction with Wikileaks.
Hillary Clinton will not take power!
President Obama will not get in the way and will commit no further treason!
“We have your number!”
Dr. Pieczenik has served in a wide range of intelligence capacities under presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
Sometime between October 6, 2012 and November 18, 2012 his name was removed from the membership list of the Council on Foreign Relations.
He is the author or co-author of 26 NYT best-selling books, including Tom Clancy’s Op Center.
Assuming his video is not on the order of Orson Well’s War of the Worlds broadcast of 1938, Dr. Pieczenik and his colleagues are an answer to prayer, though they may see themselves simply as patriots; which they are!
He is fluent in five languages, including Russian, Spanish and French.
He is fluent also in English, as you will hear below! Seldom has such eloquent English been spoken!
Pray for safety and success for these patriots.
Don’t assume this is all over. Our enemies are powerful and desperate. They still intend to steal the nation if possible. Pray our revolutionary forces stop them.
Tags: Hillary Clinton Presidential Election
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