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There are ‘black sheep’ in every family. However, the black sheep of the family don’t usually run the affairs of the family. That is what is different with the RINOs in the Republican Party. For sometime the RINOs had run the Republican Party without any challenge. As a result, like any incompetent and self-serving CEO, they had run the Party to the ground.

After the horrible defeat of the 2008 election, the Republican leadership, now popularly referred to as “The Republican Party Establishment”, went down on their knees and asked us to give them a chance to be an effective opposition to the Obama and the Democrats’ juggernaut, which had instantly started to devour everything in its path. They promised heaven and earth to be faithful to our wishes (the electorate that voted them in), if only they were given the chance to redeem themselves. The voters felt gullible, thinking the appeal was genuine. Come 2010 midterm election, we voted overwhelmingly to transfer the gabble from Pelosi to John Boehner. We felt that the overspending on unpopular new entitlement such as Obamacare and the erosion of our liberty would be curtained. Alas, nothing was done! The cry was to give them the Senate to increase their bargaining power with Obama. Two years ago, we delivered. But guess what? Nothing happened! The RINOs sat on their privileges without even making an effort.

Then this election year cycle rolled in and they wanted us to accept their pre-ordained Republican Party’s candidate for President as usual. That used to be the case in yester-years. That was how we got John McCain instead of Rand Paul. The same was true of Mitt Romney. He was clean-cut and rich. But he had no backbone to fight for his point of view. Many RINOs, so full of themselves like John Kasich of Ohio, wanted us to coronet them as a default nominee. As each Establishment-endorsed candidate fell by the wayside, their bitterness and arrogance grew. Their selfish self-worth and sense of entitlement would not allow them to accept the defeat despite the public pledge they had. Soon they started to band together to make sure that our choice is defeated, so that next time around we would have to listen to them and accept their choice.

By the end of the primary the list of RINOs started to grow almost on a daily basis. The Bush chieftain, because their boy was rejected at the ballot! Lindsey Graham, well, what can we say about the clown! The robotic John Kasich that gave the same answer to every question! The near senile John McCain! The 47% Mitt Romney! And how about our self-appointed “leaders”, the holier-than-thou custodian of conservatism in America? Each early afternoon several months before the election you could hear Glen Beck and his lapdog sidekicks parade their so-called election specialists to try to convince the rest of us why our choice of Republican candidate for president in 2016 election would bring the Party’s down, because of losing coattail that Donald Trump would produce. Many of these doomsayers relentlessly predicted that the result of 2016 would mimic or even worse than that of 2008 when both houses of legislation and the White House went to the Democrats. They were glad as poll after poll predicted a complete annihilation of Trump and anyone who endorsed him. It was what they wish for and what would further their interests.

“Bury Trump in a Landslide” was an editorial in New York Daily News on Thursday, October 20, 2016. The editorial might as well be written either by Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, George Will, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, John Kasich or Hillary Clinton. They all seemed to have the same goal. All the fourteen accusations in the editorial could have been written by any of our great RINOs. They were more willing and quicker to condemn Trump for whatever, than they were or willing to criticize Obama or any Democrat.

Will our RINOs change their thinking and support the President-elect, only time will tell. For the time being, they will show some public smiles like The Speaker Paul Ryan did yesterday. However, they may want to continue in their sabotage of Trump’s administration even before inauguration. During the campaign Trump asked the RINOs to allow him to run his campaign his own way. Hopefully, they will let him run his administration as he sees fit based on his campaign rhetoric.


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