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Is it any wonder we are on the verge of civil war in the United States? Is it any wonder that some of our most respected and successful analysts are about to give up? …..Or….. are they not giving up?……. are they just hinting it is time for action?

How else can you fight the blatant lies, misinformation, and obvious criminal actions when they are enhanced and propped up by our once professional Media. It sometimes makes one feel utter despair and hopelessness. I can now imagine how the Jewish people felt under Hitler.

The conniving, malicious, underhanded actions of the anti-Trump people have become shameful. Threats to the life of the President, threats to the White House itself, threats to the Pentagon building; personal threats to the Trump family; unsolved crimes of bodily harm and death, covered up, or otherwise ignored by the Media. Such criminal activity by members of the Washington establishment are all beneath the fiber of the true American.

Let us not forget the disgusting behavior of leaking mediator questions to Candidate Hillary Clinton during the debate with Donald Trump; the disgusting behavior of Hillary’s subordinates during the campaign; I refer to the lies, the plots, and actions of underhanded activities toward Donald Trump; the suggestion of collusion with Russia blamed on the Trump campaign, when it was actually the Clinton campaign.

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, the dealings with Russia by Bill and Hillary Clinton. And her many transgressions while Secretary of State were and are unforgivable.

The leaks that have come forth are not only dangerous to our National Security, but it hinders the  operations of our current Administration. It fosters the element of distrust and this cannot and should not be present in the inner circle of the West Wing.

Even the leaking of the intent by the Special Prosecutor’s office to call a Grand Jury are so very damaging and unforgivable. What, in the name of God, kind of people are we sending to Washington? And what is the criteria they use to hire staff? What has changed in the Civil Service Test that allows such folks to pass through, and be entrusted with our secrets and other confidential information; to act like school boys and girls anxious to hurt others for their own benefit?

And now the latest, listening in on, and transcribing, conversations between the President and Heads of State, of allies and other Countries and entities. This is unforgivable, the public releasing of such, borders on Treason. The party responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Referring to the transgressions mentioned in this writing, some may say this is the “icing on the cake”. Well, I disagree. This is the Crown of Thorns put on the head of Jesus Christ. The ultimate slap in the face of the American Christian people; the final straw of a continual embarrassment to our Nation. This is treason personified; obstruction of privacy of the President of the United States.

Within this matter, I think the time has come to consider all the Media reporting such actions without a credible source, should also be taken to task as aiding and abetting the lawlessness of said actions. Basically, what this tells us is that any Reporter, Columnist, Editor or commentator, can make up any story, and credit it to an anonymous source. By doing this, these so-called professionals are destroying the ability of their respected peers to do their job for the American people. Hiding behind a law to protect their source has got to be examined further by our Legislative body. It leaves the door open for abuse of the First Amendment.

I feel I must share these words with as many as possible. I am sick at heart over what has been going on for the past two years and more. I cannot believe the manner of the Anti-Trumpers, the Democrats, the Liberals, and the Rinos; especially the Rinos. I would have thought previously that our Representatives were men and women of faith in their convictions, men/women of strength, with a spine of steel; men/women of honor that followed their oath, their promise to their neighbors back home. If this group today were operating back in the 1700’s I shudder to think of what this Nation would be today. It is almost frightening to think of such a scenario.

It is time to get serious, very serious, in fighting this movement. We can start with the treasonous activities of the Representatives in Congress. It is quite obvious they are fighting only for the maintenance of their own personal status.

iPatriot Contributers


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