The recent failure of the Republicans to repeal Obamacare finally reveals who they really represent- THEMSELVES! I recognized their duplicitousness early on after the election in November 2016. I needed to renew my driver’s license in November and so I took the opportunity to UNREGISTER as a Republican. The Republicans in Congress have promised for the last eight years to repeal Obamacare and they were very willing to do so when there was a President who wouldn’t sign the bill! In other words, when their vote did not mean anything. The current group of Republicans in Congress are as empty as their votes!! The only Republicans I have any respect for are Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz.
The ineffectiveness and the vacillation displayed by Republican politicians on Capitol Hill prove that the GOP has died and a new party needs to be created. We need a party which will truly represent the people who elected them to Congress. President Trump is the face of this new party. He has steadfastly tried to live up to his campaign promises. He tried time and again to cooperate with his traitorous Republican colleagues in Congress beginning with Rep. Paul Ryan’s softcore repeal early in 2017 up to the July versions of repeal. No one can say that President Trump didn’t try to cooperate with the GOP. As most old time Democrats used to say “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party left me” so conservative Republicans, including myself are saying the same thing now.
It is time to start a new conservative and patriotic party. Maybe call it the American Independence Party. Where the following 10 principles are upheld:
1. Pro-life and Pro-Family
2. English as the Official Language of the United States of America
3. Term Limits (2 terms maximum) for all elected officials
4. Balanced Budget: Cut Taxes and reduce government spending
5. Strong Military
6. Eliminate the IRS
7. Limit Immigration and enforce ALL Immigration laws.
8. Strict literal adherence to the US Constitution
9. America First mode of operation in both Foreign and Domestic Policy
10. Eliminate “Political Correctness” across all spheres of society and government.
The party will be unabashedly patriotic and will look out for all American CITIZENS! It is time that the principles on which this country was founded such as “No taxation without representation” is realized once again. I am urging all conservative Republicans to withdraw membership and support to the Republican Party. We are now at war with our own Congress. We have met the enemy and it really is US! Let us unite behind our President and send Congress packing and elect a new crop of legislators who will actually represent the hardworking, taxpaying citizens who elect them!
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