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Yes, Republican Candidates for office should beware. The democrats have something in store for you during the 2018 election cycle. A secret weapon, hardly. But a weapon that can nonetheless take you out and cause you to lose your seat or the election you are contesting.

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A solution will be obvious at the end of the article. Now what is the weapon? False Sexual Assault and or Sexual Harassment charges. They could be forty or more years old. They could be more recent. But you must protect yourselves from this democratic weaponized group. Lisa Bloom, daughter of Gloria Alred, has admitted to obtaining pay for the liar of as much as 750K to tell a false story of sexual assault against Donald trump. Gloria Alred brought accusations against Roy Moore. The accusations later proved to be false.   Is this just the start?

The accusations against Roy Moore ruined his life and were proven false. The woman falsified the signatures in the year book. During the campaign, her lawyer refused to allow forensic evaluation of year book evidence. They just kept saying the claims and ruined his life and campaign. Losing a Red state to lies and deceit. Then after the elections, the charges just went away.

These two lawyers should be both tried for suborning perjury and filing false charges. They both did it to try and ruin the reputation of their target and win the campaign for their preferred candidate. Now only one succeeded. The other failed and that shows a strategic route for the Republican candidates. Fight fire with fire.

In the first case President Trump knowing the reason for the charges and the veracity of the charges, fought them from the beginning saying he would see them all in court after the elections. He would file lawsuits of his own against them and own them after the trial.

In the second, Roy Moore just let the charges hang around and around his neck for the remainder of the campaign. Without any contradiction to the charges, they just languished through the campaign and probably cost Roy Moore the Senate seat he wanted.

He should have taken a play out of President Trump’s campaign playbook and IMMEDIATELY charged the accuser Beverly Young Nelson with filing false charges and IMMEDIATELY taking her to court for and IMMEDIATE injunction against her. And all the follow on’s wanting their fifteen minutes of fame as well. Since it was for a federal election charge in federal court.

Now this is just my own opinion, but any Republican in any election will probably be subject to this slander and defamation by the democrats. It is now a proven play for a democrat win.

Fight Fire with Fire. You cannot win unless you are willing to fight. Charge them in court from the first accusation! Do not let it languish through the campaign! Fight Fire with Fire!

Please let me know what you think all my friends.



Now, let me introduce myself. I am conservative, Eagle Scout, Graduate of the School of Hard Knocks (actually a Major University) with a degree in Economics and a retired Military Officer.  If you like my writing and ideas, look me up on my facebook page (Marks Karl). Or you can write me at [email protected]


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