Martha McSally Spreads Lies About Dr Kelli Ward
Our Conservative Campaign Committee has been all over Arizona campaigning for Dr Kelli Ward US Senate GOP primary. Along with various other initiatives, we’ve stood on high-trafficked street corners waving signs for Dr Ward. Enthusiastic Dr Ward supporters have joined us to sign-wave in Bullhead City, Kingman, Lake Havasu, Chandler and Tucson. Sign-waves are extremely important because turn-out for primaries are typically low. Early voting has begun. The primary is August 28th.
Our next sign-wave for Dr Ward is in Scottsdale; Thursday, August 16, 10Am -10:30AM MST; N Scottsdale Rd and E Shea Blvd.
Folks, I have tried not to be too hard on Dr Ward’s opponent, Martha McSally. But when I saw this ad on TV in my hotel room filled with lies about Dr Ward, I simply could not allow that to stand. I went in back of the hotel and shot a video telling the truth about Dr Kelli Ward, the true rock-solid conservative in this race.
The liberal establishment has spent another $923,000 smearing Dr Ward.
Locals at our sign-waves say Dr Ward is fearless in standing up for conservatism. She is the kind of warrior Trump needs on his team in Washington DC. This is why operatives in both parties seek to destroy her.
Please watch and share my brief video defending Dr Ward.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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